Season Seven - Unconsecutive
Ep 374 - Coming Soon!
Ep 373 - Usury, Franchise Executions
Ep 372 - Poor Male Role Models, The End of Shop Talk
Ep 371 - Delulus, The Project Slippery Slope
Ep 370 - Petit Tyrants, Shflation, Weaponizing Others Religion
Ep 369 - Reparations, Playing God, Command Track
Ep 368 - Pet Parents, Cultural Rorschach Tests, People Who Don't Understand Rights, Taylor Swift
Ep 367 - The Death of Human Content, Art as a Process
Ep 366 - Dystopia Overload, The Liberal Thought Process
Ep 365 Jamie Dlux - Emotional Exhibitionism, Vice in Virtuous Clothing
Ep 364 - Blaming Climate Change, Days of Infamy
Ep 363 - Sudden Genre Death, App Deliveries
Ep 362 - Loud Music, Dollar Store Derision
Ep 361 - People Who Don't Respect Sundays, Plastics, Rewards Programs
Ep 360 Larry Bleidner - Stress, Incompetent Druggists, Inconsiderate Gym Goers
Ep 359 - Lore Breaking, Artificial Intelligence as a Service
Ep 358 - Doctors, An Ill Fit
Ep 357 - AI Alarmists, Eschewing Practices & Standards
Ep 356 - The Death of a Mentor, Sh!tty Brothers
Ep 355 - Hedonism, Serving Sizes
Ep 354 - Squatter's Rights, Fat Fat Fatties
Ep 353 - Gambling, Theatre
Ep 352 7th Anniversary! - Forgotten Auto-Payments, Rewards Memberships, Cowards
Season Six - Tab, Chaco, Buck, Tim, & Tony
Ep 351 Andy & Big Cray Duke - The Modern Popularity of Jeeps, Pulling Trailers, People Who Don't Close the Copy machine
Ep 350 - The Speed of Nine to Five, Inhumans
Ep 349 - False Finalities, Toxic Masculinity
Ep 348 - Shovel Leaners, Crying About Working Conditions
Ep 347 - Not Believing in True Stories, Film Actors Guild
Ep 346 - Being Nostradamus, Flopbusters
Ep 345 - Being the Autistic Expert, Life on Easy Mode, Idealized Society Fantasies
Ep 344 - Human Rights TM, Bar Trivia
Ep 343 - Universal Studios, Bicyclers 2: Electric Bike Boogaloo
Ep 342 - ADHD Content, "We" Projects
Ep 341 - Reciprocal Review Systems, Celebrating Needless Death
Ep 340 - Poorly Timed Relief, Enlisting in 2023, Timeshare Peddlers
Ep 339 - Cities, Cultures that Don't Plant Trees
Ep 338 - Swamps, Things not for the User
Ep 337 - Rushed Origin Stories, The Writer's Strike
Ep 336 - People Who Don't Warn About Speed Traps, Thinking Taxes Work
Ep 335 - Expert Liars, Women in the Workforce
Ep 334 - Audio Issues, Podfading, When Your Cohosts Suggests a Bad Episode, TV Recap Shows, Poor Archiving, Advertisements, Liquidation Stores, Networks
Ep 333 - Cheap Poster Frames Disposability
Ep 332 - Bliss, Lack of Codes
Ep 331 - Watching Loved Ones Die, Disnefication of Animals
Ep 330 - Democracy, Unprofessional Development
Ep 329 - Guessing the Killer Too Early, Recruitment Portals
Ep 328 - When Bandits Jump 20 Feet, The Cattle Call, Premature Praise
Ep 327 - Cultural Vandalism, Mandatory Workplace Harassment Training
Ep 326 - Mandatory Overblown Cutesy BS Work Meetings, Entitlement
Ep 325 - Geriatric Action Stars, Algorithmic Content
Ep 324 - Loyalty Programs, Fanbaiting
Ep 323 - Brainwave Fuckery, Mistaken Unprofessionalism
Ep 322 - Blank Space, Therapy Advocates
Ep 321 - Conspiracy Haters, Water Conservationists
Ep 320 - Unresolved Glitches, Above and Beyond as the Expectation
Ep 319 - Observed Holidays, Tulsa King
Ep 318 - Overstimulation, Eye of the Holidays
Ep 317 - X-mas, Kicking Out the Ladder, Fake AI Movies
Ep 316 - Holiday Parking, Jingle Bells, Fake Snow, Wednesday
Ep 315 - Dating App Ads, Spotify Wrap Up
Ep 314 Madcucks - Vindication, Gratitude, Personality Disorders
Ep 313 - Hayes Code Movies, Star Trek: The Original Series No Hate November
Ep 312 6 Years! - Logan, Being Organized, Star Trek: The Next Generation No Hate November
Ep 311 - Representing Yourself, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine No Hate November
Ep 310 - Running Water, Star Trek: Voyager No Hate November
Ep 309 - Devlish Demon Dabblers, The Final Girl Trope
Ep 308 - Dumb Audiences, The Decline of Trick or Treating
Ep 307 - Horror Movie Eye Violence, Ghost Tours
Ep 306 - Sideways Accusations, Armchair Entertainment Directors
Ep 305 - Bad Shuffle Algorithms, Puerto Rico
Ep 304 - Too Many Second Chances, Wiccans
Ep 303 - Pasta Face, Breaking Bad News
Ep 302 - Mic Bleed, Uppity Sound Guys
Ep 301 - Fishing, Mundane Nightmares
Season Five - Tab & Tim Redux
Ep 300 - Doing Too Much, Early 2000s Shaky Cam, Issues, Male Sexual Assault
Ep 299 P2 The Fans - Pedophiles, Plastic Tupperware, Small Town Cops, Memory
Ep 299 P1 The Fans - Wifi Woes, 4 Guitars 5 Vocalists and a Harmonica Karl's WATP Feed, Restaurants That Close Early, GMail Send Button, No End to Stories
Ep 298 - Having Your Cake and Eating It Too, Zipper Morons, Not Swinging the Axe, Luxury Phones
Ep 297 - Mailers, Oh Woe Is Me, I'm So Rich, Furniture Stores, Appealing to the Dumb
Ep 296 - The Sony Lotto, The St. Louis Curse, A Lack of Heat Prep, Learned Apathy, Why Are You Still Talking to Me?
Ep 295 Jay - Holding the Joke Too Long, Star Trek Cocktails, No Higher Authority, Yard Signs
Ep 294 - The Four Corners, Owning Material Goods, Talk Backs, Highway Driving
Ep 293 - Snake Oil, Arrested Development, Incomplete Box Sets, Double Think
Ep 292 - ISPs, Pills, Pop-Ups, Being Behind The Curve
Ep 291 - Unsatisfying Endings, Fake Movies, Parking, Leaving It Up To The Fans
Ep 290 Ninja Andy - Poster Sizes, Uppity Contractors, Property Management, Superglue
Ep 289 - Labor, Homogenization, Anti-Violence, Tape Guns
Ep 288 - Server Lectures, Still Falling For It, Fish Bees, Saying Never
Ep 287 - Farewell Tours, Card Only, Ass Beatings, Forced Fandom
Ep 286 - Wheelchair Guy, Stupid Suggestions, TV CG, Nailing It
Ep 285 - Strawberries, Social Media Filler, Weird Wait Staff, Past Due Compliments
Ep 284 - Unlegal, Being On a Team with the Dumb Kid, Media Flashlight, Too Much For Kids
Ep 283 - Telling Your Co-workers Off, Magic Hats, Breakfast Foods, Colin Farrell's Neck Obsession
Ep 282 - Trojan Whiners, Being Babied, Netflix and Chill, USFL
Ep 281 - Throwing Away the Script, Phobias, Feet, Too Many Pets
Ep 280 - Regionalisms, Corporate Greed for The Little Things, Squandering Opportunities, Halo TV Show
Ep 279 - "That's Assault", Hotels, The Birthday Boy, Meta
Ep 278 - Balloons, Clinging On of Late Night TV, Extravagance of Celebrity
Ep 277 - Selfishness, Subcontractors, Being Second Guessed, Downtown Pricing
Ep 276 - The Automatic Bathroom, The Paperless Delay, Closed on Mondays, Idle Pestering
Ep 275 - Channel Surfing, Tiny Propaganda, Machismo, Easy Mode
Ep 274 - Hateboners, The Snowpocalypse, Generibad, The Way It's Always Been Done
Ep 273 - The Mask-Off, Optometry, Live. Die. Repeat, Phone Tower Outages
Ep 272 - Sheer Incompetence, Pointless Apologies, Bait and Switch Sales, Unfaithful Adaptations
Ep 271 Vinnie Paulino from The Creep Off - Women Loving True Crime, Traffic Jams, Stars, The Arrowverse
Ep 270 - Ticketmaster, Day-Off Lethargy, Playing Cops, Online-ification
Ep 269 - No Shows, The Babysitter Look, Dead Dreams, Football Small Talk
Ep 268 - The Time Warp, Testing Positive, Showing Your Ass Online, Cursed Land
Ep 267 - USITT Problematic Terminology, Bad Online Stores, Boomeritis, Working with Masks
Ep 266 - Christmas Garbage, Sweets, The Jerky Racket, New Year's Resolutions
Ep 265 - Potlucks, Dumb Defaults, The Non-Digital World, Bubble Mailers
Ep 264 - People Who Think Magic Exists, Chact Feckers, Tornadoes, "Professionals"
Ep 263 - Not Paying Your Bills, People With One-Note Personalities, Victim Points, Chinese Superman
Ep 262 - Homeless People, Not Calling Back, Live Service Everything, The Rush to Decorate
Ep 261 - People Telling You How To Do Your Job, Modern Shoe Design, Movie Theaters, CGI Budgeting
Ep 260 5 Years! - Public Restrooms, Not Following Through, Rocket Science, Talking At the Theatre
Ep 259 - Messing with Time, Unwarranted Nicknames, Not Seeing Propaganda, Right Click Victims
Ep 258 - Data Wars, Not Leaving it at Home, Taking Things Too Seriously, The "Rye" Prosecution
Ep 257 - Christmasember, Not Understanding How Things Work, Horror Sequels, Redhead Erasure
Ep 256 - Counter-Advertising, Acceptance Speeches, The Small Penis Frontier, The Worst Decision Ever
Ep 255 - Resignations, Not Being Able to Take a Punch, Version 1.0, Translation Accuracy
Ep 254 - Getting Old, The Hate Rectangle, Legacy IP, Trust the Plan
Ep 253 (Minisode) - Foreign Language Classes, Low Power Microwaves, Van Life, More Free Things Please, The Fall Tease, Mango, Custom Tools, Constant Upselling
Ep 252 - True Crime Internet Detectives, Not Enough Beer, The Man Behind The Wizard, Third Party Support Sites
Ep 251 - Celebrity Gossip Pipeline, Satellite TV, Flaggots, Non Fan Complaints
Ep 250 - Zombieland: Double Tap, Mobile Game Economy, A Lack of Visible Artistry, Collectibles
Ep 249 Tyrone Watermelon - Jeopardy Host Debacle, The U.S. Dollar, People That Don't Value Pets
Ep 248 - Skyrim's House of Cards, Alex Kurtzman's Re-Signing, Adapting the Worst, Insular Movie Communities
Ep 247 - Whiskey Tasting, Always Being Connected, Illusion of Stock, Armchair Generals
Ep 246 - Enhanced Cleaning Procedures, The Death Warrant of HWIDG, Elon Musk, Asterisks
Ep 245 - "I Didn't Mean to Sic My Fans On You", Saying Goodbye, Streaming Rights
Ep 244 - Cheaters, Falling For It, Making Up Leaks, Doubling Down
Ep 243 - Broken Computers, Bad Internet, "What I Look Like Now" Posts, Social Taxonomy
Ep 242 - Alien Covenant, Non-Alcoholic Whiskey, Live Chat, Web of Lies
Ep 241 - Won't Someone Think About the Dogs?!, Freedom Isn't Free, Invincible Pacing, Women Using Kids to Stop Fun
Ep 240 - Open Container Laws, Bad Endings, Paper Checks, Beating it Out of You
Ep 239 - Not Doing Your Job, Juneteenth, Barren Food Wastelands, Honeypots
Ep 238 - Government Slow Lane, CG Trailers, The Smart Home, Missing a Line Drive
Ep 237 - Spin-off Shows, Vocal Fillers, Kaijuu Lovers, Recap Reviews
Ep 236 - Department of Public Safety, Amazon Sidewalk, Massacres, Lazy Twitch Streamers
Ep 235 Rem Dickman - Normie Nerddom, One Person Majority, Planet Manlet
Ep 234 - Average Movie Goers, Dhar Mann Videos, People Delaying You Fixing the Problem, The Turn
Ep 233 Adam from Houston - Big Change Now, Asshole Engineering, The Science is Settled
Ep 232 Deadhelm - May the 4th, California, Armageddon Vibes
Ep 231 Sage - The Spirit of the Game, Services Being Pushed Onto the Consumer, Stoner Comedies
Ep 230 Madcucks - People Hijacking Your Arguments, Not Respecting Twitch Streamers, Small Bathrooms
Ep 229 - Fake Cameras, Hate Speech Filters, Censoring Adult Media, Accident Babies
Ep 228 Karl from WATP - Flat Earth, Actor Podcasts, Ridiculousness
Ep 227 Larry Bleidner - Assembly Line Animation, Infantilism, Thinking Gas Vehicles Will Be Obsolete
Ep 226 - The Fandom Menace, Interactive Ads, Nostalgia Movies, Levels of Importance
Ep 225 Crippled Jesus - Burying the Source Material, Self-help Articles, Addiction Shaming, Too Long a Waiting Period, "I'm Not a Fan, But..."
Ep 224 - Virtual School, Smoker Damage, Gender Spectrum, NFTs
Ep 223 - Mac Obfuscation, Snow Removal, Action v. Emotion, GM Ultima
Ep 222 - Catching the Tail End, Bitter Cold, Liars Using Stats, Sharknados
Ep 221 Crippled Jesus - Not Letting Go, Poorly Constructed Legal Arguments, Higher Than Normal
Ep 220 - The Kiss of Death, Justin Trudeau, Canada, Death of the G.E.D.
Ep 219 - Computerized Everything, Being Against WSB, Ruinous Characters, "Addressing the Problem"
Ep 218 - Used Item Decency, The Repair Hole, r/MandelaEffect, DRM
Ep 217 - Freedom From Discussion, Miniscule News, Moral Superiority, The Dark Age of PC Ports
Ep 216 Uncle Buck - Hiking 5.4 Miles, Politics Injection, Redditors
Ep 215 Uncle Buck - Being a Dick to your Kids, Not Doing Your Homework, Moving Out
Season Four - Tab, Tim, & Todd
Ep 214 - Traveler's Tales, DC Film Multiverse, The Slide Into Degeneracy, A Lack of Archival
Ep 213 - The Desire to See Terrible Things, Rooting for the Empire, Thinking You Can Change Someone’s Mind, Candy Canes
Ep 212 - Post Tampa, Cyberpunk
Ep 211 - Why There Isn't a John Wick Game, A Ticking Clock Over Your Head, Pandemic Bell Ringers, Trimming the Tree
Ep 210 Uncle Buck - Sh!tty Tools, Indigenous People's, What do you want for Christmas, The Expendable Franchise
Ep 209 Uncle Buck - The Pity Card, Playdates, All the Evil stuff Trump has done, Mandatory Political Symbols
Ep 208 4 Years! - Mixing Metric and Imperial, Bicyclists, Low Res UI, Buying Consoles Day One
Ep 207 - Kung Fury, Fast Food Workers, Remember, This Isn't Over, Making Math Suck
Ep 206 - Pet Clothes, Untamed Scale, Dream People, Decline of Slasher Films
Ep 205 - Non-Candy Halloween Treats, Non-Secular Media, Standing Alone, New Unsolved Mysteries
Ep 204 - Not Available In Your Country, Needing Celebrity Endorsement, Only Playing the New Stuff, Fauxmpkins
Ep 203 - Spooky Season, Storm Chasers, Halloween Movies, Politics
Ep 202 - Mice, Hyper-Edited Podcasts, Self-Censoring, Rich White People
Ep 201 - The Open Software Gamble, Getting Your Issue Solved Right Before You Record, Fact Checkers, Douche vs Turd Sandwich
Ep 200 - No Source, Collectible Coins, Ignoring Scalpers, Time to Load Games
Ep 199 - Blowing Smoke Up Your Ass, Tree Care, People Who Don't Take Care of their Car, The Gathering Place
Ep 198 - Gimmick Burgers, Tom Cruise, Rob Schneider, Battle Royale Games
Ep 197 - Black Panther, Unitarians, No Backwards Compatibility, Freedom of the Press
Ep 196 - Security Theatre, Going Up, "Just", Losing Your Wallet
Ep 195 - Halfassing the Job, Won't Get Fooled Again, Moral Bragging (Special Guest CrippledJesus), Burying the Lede!
Ep 194 - Taking the Long Way, Captain Janeway, Preorders, Bugs
Ep 193 - Government Employees, Not Following Your Own Rules, UPS Drivers, Audiologs
Ep 192 - Sad Slow Covers for Trailers, Moving, Not Sticking to Naming Conventions, Men
Ep 191 Justin Silverman - Transferring Services, Why They Still Make Star Trek, Pretending You Care
Ep 190 - Cancel Culture, Big Sequels, Harry Potter, Smelling Your Own Farts
Ep 189 - Picking up Strays, Diplomatic Impunity, Quibi, Protesting After the Fact
Ep 188 - Outbigotting, Making the Issue About Me, No Value In Intelligence, Musicians Kidnapping Fans
Ep 187 - Insufficient Cooling, Poorly Made in China 2: Coilover Boogaloo, Zoomers vs Millenials, The Ass-Blastening
Ep 186 - Phased Reopenings, Black or White, Football Funding, Monopolies
Ep 185 - Trusting Science, Systemic Racism, Bad Timing, Publisher v. Platform
Ep 184 - Gaslighting, Missing Passages, Modernizing Films, Water Levels
Ep 183 - Opening the Floodgates, Working Under the Gallows, Showrunners, Dramacasts
Ep 182 - Seatbelt Propaganda, Campers, Otherkin, Songs That Are Too Good
Ep 181 - Stickers, Voter ID, The Elder Scrolls VI, Zoom
Ep 180 - To-the-day Anniversaries, Hoarders, Masks, Release the Snyder Cut
Ep 179 - Live Services, Modelers, Stopping the Bleach Drinkers, Amazon
Ep 178 - Waffle Fries, When RTFM Fails, Valorant Anti-cheat, Let's Not Be Too Hasty
Ep 177 Tony from Hack the Movies - Neo-Hygenists, Where's Antifa?, TV Show Movies
Ep 176 - Karens, Data Caps, Crazy Coincidences, Heroes
Ep 175 - Secret Hitler, No Contact Delivery, $1,200, The Re-acquaintancing Period
Ep 174 - Religious Interference, Self-Isolation, Plug-n-Play, People That Can't Cook
Ep 173 ASE Riley - IRL Lootboxes, #coronaculture, Thots
Ep 172 - Apple, Timewasters. Days, Silver Platter Dystopia
Ep 171 - ASMR, Closing Pandora's Box, Not Expecting Failure, Burying OC
Ep 170 - Quick Turn Arounds, Celebrity By Association, Geriatric Complaints, Well Done
Ep 169 - Sneaky Political Ads, Robert's Rules of Order, DC's 5G, Conflating SciFi and Fantasy
Ep 168 - Movie Budget Inflation, Oscars over Razzies, Feeding the Monster, No Tours
Ep 167 - Playing "What's this Commercial For?", Iowa Caucuses, Download Limits, Virus Fearmongering
Ep 166 - Finally Getting Something Ruined, People Who Don't Understand Analogies, "Too Soon", Other Mustang Guys
Ep 165 - Updates for Outdated Tech, Trolley Question, Rules for Thee But Not for Me, Exclusives
Ep 164 Isaac Jackson - Big UI, Race Relations, It's Not For You... It's For Kids
Ep 163 - Caring About the Middle East, Handling it with Memes, "It's For the Kids", One Bad Experience
Ep 162 - Pull-Out Sofa Beds, Non-Stock Android, Getting Back to It, Future Half-steps
Ep 161 - People That Think Everything is for Them, Blaming the Fans, Clickbait, Participation Awards
Ep 160 - Christmas, End of the Decade Lists, Goverment Hours, Deleting/Deactivating Accounts
Ep 159 - Clothes Material Importance, Feeling Inadequate, Suddenly Bad Art , Adopting Mobile Game Currencies
Ep 158 - Orgasm Denial, Getting John Wick'd, Small Town Cops, Product Segmentation
Ep 157 - Tech Support, The Scam of Religion, Picking Fights with Family, Stingy Restaurants
Ep 156 3 Years! - Pre-Fanning, Battered Wife Franchises, Fake Politeness, Ford Mach-E Mustang
Ep 155 - Boomers, Brand Loyalty, The Laws That Will Save Us, The Death of the Arcade
Ep 154 - The New "Man on the Street", The Open Carry Scare, Letting the Guitar Player Sing One, Co-opting Geek Culture
Ep 153 - Fallout 1st, Upselling, Bad Candy, Halloween Haters
Ep 152 - Friends That Don't Drink, Sports Bars, Store-Bought Halloween, Paper Straws
Ep 151 - "Owned", Nay-saying Progress, Internet Celebs Going Mainstream, Ghosts
Ep 150 Mandi Weems- Too Soon Biopics, Video Games Causing Violence, Witches
Ep 149 - Positively Platitudinal, Settling for Windows, Social Media Skeletons, Ugly and Unorganized Files
Ep 148 - Delivery By Amazon, Drink More Water, Rambo Reviews, Work Updates on Vacation
Ep 147 - Giving Away Time, China Owning Amazon, Sudden Vape Problem, Nintendo Fanboys
Ep 146 - Having to Turn to Reddit, That One Song, Making a Problem for Yourself, Discord Culture
Ep 145 - Rich People Reality TV, Home Invasion Fantasies, IMDB Trivia, Bad Google Maps
Ep 144 - Companies Using Franchises as Pawns, Having to Grin and Bear It, Companies Ignoring Product Flaws, Teachers
Ep 143 - Seniority, Impolite Kids. How Good We Have It, People Being Emphatically Wrong
Ep 142 - Other People's Kitchens, Subscriptions, Delivery Drivers Forgetting Your Stuff, Limited Adoption of Ethernet Cables
Ep 141 - Cats: The Musical, Manufactured Hype, Streaming Categories, Another Walking Dead Spinoff
Ep 140 - Rude People, Coddling, Foot Fetishists, Use It or Lose It
Ep 139 - No Callbacks, iPad Checkout Kiosks, Star Trek: Picard, A Lack of Trash Cans
Ep 138 Ethan Dudenhoeffer - Not Adapting the Source Material, Back to School, Thin Towels and Socks, Recycling
Ep 137 Kotojak - Spare Tires, Micro USB, GPU Naming Schemes
Ep 136 - Erasing the Evidence of Your Tomfoolery, Boomers Not Knowing How Computers Work, HBO, James Cameron's Avatar, Shyster Hospital Billing
Ep 135 - Las Vegas, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, Celebrity Restaurants, Stopping Just Before the Finish Line
Ep 134 - Ticket Fees, Abortion, Small Item Insurance, Homelessness
Ep 133 - Colleague Competitions, Pre/Post Shows, Gluten Intolerance, Commitment
Ep 132 - Disney Live Action Remakes, "Call Me If You Need Anything", New Mac Pro, Amateur Hour
Ep 131 - Speed Limits, Flying Bugs, Equality, F2P Mobile Games
Ep 130 - Weather Freak Outs, Moochers, Petitions, Homeopathy
Ep 129 - Shirtless People, PC Controllers, Punitive Efficiency, Non-Profits, Reviving An IP For The Trend
Ep 128 Joel Chaco from Buck and Chaco - Big Plugs, Coffeehouse Covers, Not Cursing
Ep 127 - Bad Comedy, Party Poopers, Pick and Choose Spoilers, Manufactured B Movies
Ep 126 JP & Grant from The Dickheads Podcast - Instant Gratification, Warning Labels, Pronouns, Easter Grass
Ep 125 - Parental Perks, The New Hellboy Movie, A-Hole Forum Posters, Church Drums
Ep 124 Agoraphobic Paul - St. Louis, Big Data Accountability, Gaming Journalism
Ep 123 - Unowned Media, April Fool's Day, Automaton Culture, Bank Commercials
Ep 123 April Fools - The Mandela Effect, The Parenthood Penalty
Ep 122 - Overcomplicated Restaurant Menus, Closed Economies, Error Codes, No Buttons
Ep 121 - Small Governments, Florida, TV Hacking, Store Layouts Changing
Ep 120 - Product Lines, Restaurant Birthdays, Passwords
Ep 119 - Digital Survivalists, The Cone Of Shame, Cultural Touchstones, Law & Order: SVU
Ep 118 - The Red Carpet, Feeding The Ego, Giving Up Easily, School Buses
Ep 117- Marijuana Activists, Picking Apart Everything, Technical Difficulties, The Toe Bro
Ep 116 - Not Being Warned, Health Insurance, Wanting To Fix The Unfixable, Buying Gifts For Other People
Ep 115 Officer Kevin & Officer Grant from Thought Cops - Quoting Orwell, Super Bowl Halftime Shows, People that only watch the Super Bowl for the Commercials, Slow Deaths
Ep 114 Crippled Jesus - The Uber Quality, Spectrum Mandatory Meetings, Environmentalism
Ep 113 Tony from Hack the Movies - Journalism, Ghostbusters, Fortune Tellers, Toxic Masculinity
Ep 112 - People Putting Stuff On Your Car, Influencers, Nostalgia Pandering, Non-Powered Tools
Ep 111 - Putting it Back in the Box, Speeding Tickets, This 1988 Dr. Pepper Commercial, Celebrity YouTube
Ep 110 - Hiking, Ruining the Classics, Retired Action Heroes, Taking a Baby to a Restaurant
Ep 109 - Subtweeting, Not Admitting Your Biases, Mobile Game Timers, Abandoning the Final Frontier
Ep 108 Dick Masterson - Greedy Nintendo, Boob Drop GIFs That Are Too Slow, A Lack of Curiosity
Ep 107 - Risk Aversion, Fire Alarms, Patio Eating, Bad Trailer Music
Ep 106 - Upstagers, Consequences after the Credits, The Tumblr Ban, Vegans
Ep 105 - Clothes Sizing, Corporate Communal Property, Christian Rock, Lego Ghostbusters Woes
Season Three - Tab & Tim
Ep 104 Uncle Buck - Burning the Coffee Pot, Too Many Emails, Useless Soundboard Customer Support, Black Month
Ep 103 - Being Sick, Tabloids, The Quiet Man, The Peter Principle
Ep 102 - Too Good to Be True, Breaking the Voting Wall, Charity, Unwanted Mosh Pits
Ep 101 - Controllers, Discord, No Dark Mode, Dongles
Ep 100 - Resellers, Drunk Old Heads, Online Garage Sales, Forced Stealth Sections
Ep 99 - Diet Food, Getting Lost, Picking Scabs, Fanfiction
Ep 98 - Break Ups, Phone VR, The End of the World, The Restart Dilemma
Ep 97 Alan Foster - Bad Scheduling, Beer Shaming, Spoofing
Ep 96 - Taking Your Dogs Places, Forever, Episode 6 - "Andre and Sarah", Google's Listening/Hostage Strategy, Phone Call Run Arounds
Ep 95 - 80s Reboots/Revivals, The 5G Push, Not Adapting, Incomplete News
Ep 94 - Terrestrial Radio, Choice Paralysis, Ceremonies, Daytime TV
Ep 93 - Autoplay Ads, The Mail, Leaving the Ecosystem, Working Holidays Ads.
Ep 92 - Madden, Netflix, Two Lane Roads, Wearing Shoes without Socks
Ep 91 - Upgrade Downgrades, Not Taking Care of Your Guys, Predictive Text, Hollywood Accounting
Ep 90 - Shrinking Men's Sections, Release Dates, School Fundraisers, Wrong Numbers
Ep 89 - Crowd Screamers, Unsolved Mysteries, Battery Lies, Conspiracy Theories
Ep 88 - Office Ladies, Swimming, Constant Connectivity, Too Old to Be Out in Public
Ep 87 - Funerals, Being Offended Online, Mattress Sales, 'Passing the Buck' Signs
Ep 86 - Retail Seasons, Losing the Thing You Just Had, Amazon Prime Day, Burning Your Mouth
Ep 85 - Minimalism, 40 Hours, Waking Up, New Math
Ep 84 - Communism, Coke Freestyle Machines, Flag Stuff, Not Taking the Plastic Off
Ep 83 - Our System is Down, Future Tech, Notifications, Off Weekends
Ep 82 - Vitamins, American Sports Broadcasting, Disregarding Democracy, Having More Than Two Pets
Ep 81 - Other People on Drugs, Smartwatches, Spoilers, The Shadow Campaign
Ep 80 - Movies and Shows leaving streaming services, McDonald's, Other People Driving, Sweatpants
Ep 79 Tony From Hack the Movies - Graduation, The Social Justice Droid from Solo, Allergies
Ep 78 - Fort Knox Level Account Security, My Culture is not your Viral Marketing Campaign, Bones in Food, Rush Hour
Ep 77 - Being Outside, Hospitals, Handicap Spaces, Extreme Tonal Shifts
Ep 76 - Funko Pops. Birthdays, Summer, The Useless Things Taught in Schools
Ep 75 Uncle Buck - Age Gates, Faked Authority, Star Wars
Ep 74 - Blowing Your Second Chance, The Royal Family Circle Jerk, Ghosting, Why Isn't it Called Jurassic Park 5?
Ep 73 - Captcha, Mobile Redirects, Removing Functionality to the App, Phone Keyboards
Ep 72 - The Inconvenience of Home Repair, Down Playing Important Life Events, Stall Callers, Ice
Ep 71 - Filing Your Own Taxes, Aisle Blockers, Form Over Function, Phone Call Paralysis
Ep 70 - Back Pain, Interview Questions, Online Resume and Cover Letter Shenanigans, Data Breaches
Ep 69 - Local News, Other People's Bathrooms, Shower Sex, The Pre-Sleep Self-Cringe Marathon
Ep 68 - Cryptocurrency, Sandals, People with no Spacial Awareness, Cable Management
Ep 67 - Industry Award Circle Jerk, Poorly Constructed Sandwiches, Family Tech Support, Beer
Ep 66 - Download Managers, Panic Attacks, Power Surges, Sources
Ep 65 - Asylum Films, "Can I Help You With Anything?", No Demos for Games Anymore, White Clothing
Ep 64 - Repairman Scheduling, Valentine's Day, The Olympics, The Socratic Method
Ep 63 - Your Dumb Music, Oblivious People, Truck Guys, Trailers for Trailers
Ep 62 - Impatient People, Speed Humps, The You-Tube Invasion, Proprietary Technology
Ep 61 - Electives, "Me Too" Businesses, Your Dumb TV Show, Testicles
Ep 60 - Planned Obsolescence, Your Dumb Fucking Children, Not Putting things back where they go, Not removing the ice from your car
Ep 59 Nick Rekieta - Organic Food, Checks, Paying Taxes and Fees on things you already own
Ep 58 - Life Hacks, Not Committing to Film, Weird Sleeping Habits, Mansplaining
Ep 57 - Cars w/o Phone Holders, Places open on Christmas Day that don't need to be, No/Poor Return Policies, Family Photos
Ep 56 - Xmas Light Tours, Fake Holidays, Eggnog, Wrapping Presents
Ep 55 - Net Neutrality, Shipping and Tracking, "Have you eaten here before?", Awards Shows not aboout the Awards
Ep 54 - The Living Room-ification of Movie Theaters, Electronic Arts' Sudden Villainy, Terrible Final Jeopardy Questions, Salvation Army Bell Ringers
Season Two - Buck & Tab
Ep 53 Joel Chaco - Wake-up Calls / Reality Check, The Internet of Things, Stick Figure Family Stickers
Ep 52 Tim the Handlebreaker - Hollywood Types Who Think That Their Poop Doesn't Stink, Dreams, Not Fixing The Problem
Ep 51 Mono'c Pat - Outdoor Festivals, Bureaucracy, Toy Video Games
Ep 50 - Biting Your Tongue, Sudden Infestations of Flies, Religion
Ep 49 - "I Have No Filter," Representation Olympics, "Men Experience Labor Pain" Videos, Poor Quality Audio Books
Ep 48 - Diversified Construction, Low Flow Toilets, Fake Fall, People Nosing Into Your Business
Ep 47 - Being the Jerk, Emotional Blackmail, Basic Chick Food, Smoking
Ep 46 - Starting the Rumor MIll, Basic Chick Clothing, School Zones, Unearned beards
Ep 45 - Basic Chick Advertising, Automatic Password Changes, Annoying Biological Tendencies, No Refills After You Paid
Ep 44 - Fancy People Coming To The Theater, Unwanted Well-Wishers, Mic Check, Doomsday Salesmen
Ep 43 - Ambush Journalism, Umbrellas, Suicide by Cop, Tech Week
Ep 42 - Craigslist, Getting Medically Jerked Around, Turnpikes, Cultural spoilers
Ep 41 - False Surprise Surgery, Gambling, Pimple popping videos, The Gospel of Hate
Ep 40 - Vertical Filming, Not Doing Your Research, Found Footage, Waiters Singing Happy Birthday
Ep 39 - Novelty Items, Video Game Ratings, Dress Code Complainers, Marches and/or Protests
Ep 38 Empress Of Melanin - DJs who Can't Read The Room, "I Ain't Your Nocket", "We Need to Talk"
Ep 37 - Audits, Littering, The Anti-Rape Device, The Bechdel Test
Ep 36 - New Phones, Leaving your kids in a hot car, Passing Leap Frog, Job True Believers
Ep 35 - Price Obfuscation, PETA, Membership Cards, Amusement Park Ticket Prices
Ep 34 - The Hallmark Channel, Weather men, Using Your Kids for Virtue Signaling, Updates
Ep 33 - College, Password Glitches, Textbooks, Ecosexuals
Ep 32 - Slow People In Buffet Lines, "I'm a [blank]" guys, Pirate movies, Assigned Seating at Movie Theaters
Ep 31 - Delivery Tracking, Cuddlists, DIY, Weaponized Consent Laws
Ep 30 - Drum Solos, Petty Theft, Glorifying Violence, Differing Legal Ages
Ep 29 The Biggest Mikey - The Self-Esteem Movement, Black and White Special Editions, Coin Operated Air Compressors
Ep 28 - Burger Topings, Cancer Movies, Crowd Funding, Breakup Songs
Ep 27 Joel Chaco - Fake Beefs, Uninformed Knee-Jerk Reactions, Google's Alternate Directions
Ep 26 - Professional Installations, "Can I speak to your manager?", Star Trek Discovery, Fan-made Lightsaber Duels
Ep 25 - Vehicle Rental Companies, Greeting Cards, Waterless Urinals, Chicks Who Break Your Toys
Ep 24 - Control Freak Sound Guys, Cold Showers, Scientism, Micro-Aggressions
Ep 23 - DVD/Blu-Ray Previews, Follow-Up Doctor's Visits, Windows 10, Musical Episodes
Season One - Buck & Chaco
Ep 22 - Ghostbusters (2016), The 1980s
Ep 21 Larry Bleidner - Inconsiderate Noisemakers, Sugary Holidays, Cowards
Ep 20 - Earbud Interrupters, Blind Faith, Tiny Houses, Life's Constant Onslaught
Ep 19 Razor Fist - Russia, YouTube Monetization, Internet Arguments
Ep 18 Randy Santel - Night leg cramps, Bad nutrition, Online shopping
Ep 17 Madcucks - Weddings, Rubberneckers, Haters
Ep 16 I, Hypocrite - Penmanship Prudes, Beauty and the Beast Backlash, Career Activists
Ep 15 Short Sleeve Sampson - The Word "Midget", Healthy Food Options, Decorative Swords
Ep 14 Izzy Nobre - No Designated Loud Children Areas, Brazil, The Oscars
Ep 13 Devon Tracey (aka Atheism is Unstoppable) - Germany, Militant Atheism, Regressivism
Ep 12 - Fever Brain, Gluten, Sick Call-In Stigma, Public Sector Unions
Ep 11 Blonde/Berkeley Brendan - Police Stand Down Orders, False Equivalencies, Downfall of Western Civilization
Ep 10 Adam Nash - Shitposting, Initial Reports, Internet Gurus
Ep 9 Blonde - The United Nations, Angel Shots, "Peaceful Protesters"
Ep 8 Grant J. Kidney - Shitty Fiverr Results, Flip-Flopping, Disrupt J20
Ep 7 Matt Christiansen - Corporate Twitter, Chick-Fil-A Hate, Fake Victims
Ep 6 Empress of Melanin - Real Racism vs Fake Racism, Unfriending, Soft Censorship
Ep 5 - Lemon Turkey, Year Blaming
Ep 4 Madcucks - Double Parking, Christmas Debt, Derivative Podcasts, Santa Claus Myth, Birth Control
Ep 3 - Disney Star Wars, No Siestas, Elf on the Shelf, War on Christmas
Ep 2 - Evil Schedulers, Impractical Clothing, Sony Entertainment, Circumcision
Ep 1 Larry Bleidner - Throw Pillows, Birthday Weeks, 12-Story Falls, Commie Lovers, Mid-Life Crises