Season Seven - Unconsecutive
Ep 374 -
Coming Soon!
Ep 373 - Usury, Franchise Executions
Ep 372 - Poor Male Role Models, The End of Shop Talk
Ep 371 - Delulus, The Project Slippery Slope
Ep 370 - Petit Tyrants, Shflation, Weaponizing Others Religion
Ep 369 - Reparations, Playing God, Command Track
Ep 368 - Pet Parents, Cultural Rorschach Tests, People Who Don't Understand Rights, Taylor Swift
Ep 367 - The Death of Human Content, Art as a Process
Ep 366 - Dystopia Overload, The Liberal Thought Process
Ep 365 Jamie Dlux - Emotional Exhibitionism, Vice in Virtuous Clothing
Ep 364 - Blaming Climate Change, Days of Infamy
Ep 363 - Sudden Genre Death, App Deliveries
Ep 362 - Loud Music, Dollar Store Derision
Ep 361 - People Who Don't Respect Sundays, Plastics, Rewards Programs
Ep 360 Larry Bleidner - Stress, Incompetent Druggists, Inconsiderate Gym Goers
Ep 359 - Lore Breaking, Artificial Intelligence as a Service
Ep 358 - Doctors, An Ill Fit
Ep 357 - AI Alarmists, Eschewing Practices & Standards
Ep 356 - The Death of a Mentor, Sh!tty Brothers
Ep 355 - Hedonism, Serving Sizes
Ep 354 - Squatter's Rights, Fat Fat Fatties
Ep 353 - Gambling, Theatre
Ep 352 7th Anniversary! -
Forgotten Auto-Payments, Rewards Memberships, Cowards

Season Six - Tab, Chaco, Buck, Tim, & Tony
Ep 351 Andy & Big Cray Duke - The Modern Popularity of Jeeps, Pulling Trailers, People Who Don't Close the Copy machine
Ep 350 - The Speed of Nine to Five, Inhumans
Ep 349 - False Finalities, Toxic Masculinity
Ep 348 - Shovel Leaners, Crying About Working Conditions
Ep 347 - Not Believing in True Stories, Film Actors Guild
Ep 346 - Being Nostradamus, Flopbusters
Ep 345 - Being the Autistic Expert, Life on Easy Mode, Idealized Society Fantasies
Ep 344 - Human Rights TM, Bar Trivia
Ep 343 - Universal Studios, Bicyclers 2: Electric Bike Boogaloo
Ep 342 - ADHD Content, "We" Projects
Ep 341 - Reciprocal Review Systems, Celebrating Needless Death
Ep 340 - Poorly Timed Relief, Enlisting in 2023, Timeshare Peddlers
Ep 339 - Cities, Cultures that Don't Plant Trees
Ep 338 - Swamps, Things not for the User
Ep 337 - Rushed Origin Stories, The Writer's Strike
Ep 336 - People Who Don't Warn About Speed Traps, Thinking Taxes Work
Ep 335 - Expert Liars, Women in the Workforce
Ep 334 - Audio Issues, Podfading, When Your Cohosts Suggests a Bad Episode, TV Recap Shows, Poor Archiving, Advertisements, Liquidation Stores, Networks
Ep 333 - Cheap Poster Frames Disposability
Ep 332 - Bliss, Lack of Codes
Ep 331 - Watching Loved Ones Die, Disnefication of Animals
Ep 330 - Democracy, Unprofessional Development
Ep 329 - Guessing the Killer Too Early, Recruitment Portals
Ep 328 - When Bandits Jump 20 Feet, The Cattle Call, Premature Praise
Ep 327 - Cultural Vandalism, Mandatory Workplace Harassment Training
Ep 326 - Mandatory Overblown Cutesy BS Work Meetings, Entitlement
Ep 325 - Geriatric Action Stars, Algorithmic Content
Ep 324 - Loyalty Programs, Fanbaiting
Ep 323 -
Brainwave Fuckery, Mistaken Unprofessionalism
Ep 322 - Blank Space, Therapy Advocates
Ep 321 - Conspiracy Haters, Water Conservationists
Ep 320 - Unresolved Glitches, Above and Beyond as the Expectation
Ep 319 - Observed Holidays, Tulsa King
Ep 318 - Overstimulation, Eye of the Holidays
Ep 317 - X-mas, Kicking Out the Ladder, Fake AI Movies
Ep 316 - Holiday Parking, Jingle Bells, Fake Snow, Wednesday
Ep 315 - Dating App Ads, Spotify Wrap Up
Ep 314 Madcucks - Vindication, Gratitude, Personality Disorders
Ep 313 -
Hayes Code Movies, Star Trek: The Original Series No Hate November
Ep 312 6 Years! - Logan, Being Organized, Star Trek: The Next Generation No Hate November
Ep 311 - Representing Yourself, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine No Hate November
Ep 310 -
Running Water, Star Trek: Voyager No Hate November
Ep 309 - Devlish Demon Dabblers, The Final Girl Trope
Ep 308 - Dumb Audiences, The Decline of Trick or Treating
Ep 307 - Horror Movie Eye Violence, Ghost Tours
Ep 306 - Sideways Accusations, Armchair Entertainment Directors
Ep 305 - Bad Shuffle Algorithms, Puerto Rico
Ep 304 -
Too Many Second Chances, Wiccans
Ep 303 -
Pasta Face, Breaking Bad News
Ep 302 -
Mic Bleed, Uppity Sound Guys
Ep 301 -
Fishing, Mundane Nightmares

Season Five - Tab & Tim Redux
Ep 300 -
Doing Too Much, Early 2000s Shaky Cam, Issues, Male Sexual Assault
Ep 299 P2 The Fans -
Pedophiles, Plastic Tupperware, Small Town Cops, Memory
Ep 299 P1 The Fans -
Wifi Woes, 4 Guitars 5 Vocalists and a Harmonica Karl's WATP Feed, Restaurants That Close Early, GMail Send Button, No End to Stories
Ep 298 -
Having Your Cake and Eating It Too, Zipper Morons, Not Swinging the Axe, Luxury Phones
Ep 297 -
Mailers, Oh Woe Is Me, I'm So Rich, Furniture Stores, Appealing to the Dumb
Ep 296 -
The Sony Lotto, The St. Louis Curse, A Lack of Heat Prep, Learned Apathy, Why Are You Still Talking to Me?
Ep 295 Jay -
Holding the Joke Too Long, Star Trek Cocktails, No Higher Authority, Yard Signs
Ep 294 -
The Four Corners, Owning Material Goods, Talk Backs, Highway Driving
Ep 293 -
Snake Oil, Arrested Development, Incomplete Box Sets, Double Think
Ep 292 -
ISPs, Pills, Pop-Ups, Being Behind The Curve
Ep 291 -
Unsatisfying Endings, Fake Movies, Parking, Leaving It Up To The Fans
Ep 290 Ninja Andy -
Poster Sizes, Uppity Contractors, Property Management, Superglue
Ep 289 -
Labor, Homogenization, Anti-Violence, Tape Guns
Ep 288 -
Server Lectures, Still Falling For It, Fish Bees, Saying Never
Ep 287 -
Farewell Tours, Card Only, Ass Beatings, Forced Fandom
Ep 286 -
Wheelchair Guy, Stupid Suggestions, TV CG, Nailing It
Ep 285 -
Strawberries, Social Media Filler, Weird Wait Staff, Past Due Compliments
Ep 284 -
Unlegal, Being On a Team with the Dumb Kid, Media Flashlight, Too Much For Kids
Ep 283 -
Telling Your Co-workers Off, Magic Hats, Breakfast Foods, Colin Farrell's Neck Obsession
Ep 282 -
Trojan Whiners, Being Babied, Netflix and Chill, USFL
Ep 281 -
Throwing Away the Script, Phobias, Feet, Too Many Pets
Ep 280 -
Regionalisms, Corporate Greed for The Little Things, Squandering Opportunities, Halo TV Show
Ep 279 -
"That's Assault", Hotels, The Birthday Boy, Meta
Ep 278 -
Balloons, Clinging On of Late Night TV, Extravagance of Celebrity
Ep 277 -
Selfishness, Subcontractors, Being Second Guessed, Downtown Pricing
Ep 276 -
The Automatic Bathroom, The Paperless Delay, Closed on Mondays, Idle Pestering
Ep 275 -
Channel Surfing, Tiny Propaganda, Machismo, Easy Mode
Ep 274 -
Hateboners, The Snowpocalypse, Generibad, The Way It's Always Been Done
Ep 273 -
The Mask-Off, Optometry, Live. Die. Repeat, Phone Tower Outages
Ep 272 -
Sheer Incompetence, Pointless Apologies, Bait and Switch Sales, Unfaithful Adaptations
Ep 271 Vinnie Paulino from The Creep Off -
Women Loving True Crime, Traffic Jams, Stars, The Arrowverse
Ep 270 - Ticketmaster, Day-Off Lethargy, Playing Cops, Online-ification
Ep 269 - No Shows, The Babysitter Look, Dead Dreams, Football Small Talk
Ep 268 - The Time Warp, Testing Positive, Showing Your Ass Online, Cursed Land
Ep 267 - USITT Problematic Terminology, Bad Online Stores, Boomeritis, Working with Masks
Ep 266 - Christmas Garbage, Sweets, The Jerky Racket, New Year's Resolutions
Ep 265 - Potlucks, Dumb Defaults, The Non-Digital World, Bubble Mailers
Ep 264 - People Who Think Magic Exists, Chact Feckers, Tornadoes, "Professionals"
Ep 263 - Not Paying Your Bills, People With One-Note Personalities, Victim Points, Chinese Superman
Ep 262 - Homeless People, Not Calling Back, Live Service Everything, The Rush to Decorate
Ep 261 - People Telling You How To Do Your Job, Modern Shoe Design, Movie Theaters, CGI Budgeting
Ep 260 5 Years! - Public Restrooms, Not Following Through, Rocket Science, Talking At the Theatre
Ep 259 - Messing with Time, Unwarranted Nicknames, Not Seeing Propaganda, Right Click Victims
Ep 258 - Data Wars, Not Leaving it at Home, Taking Things Too Seriously, The "Rye" Prosecution
Ep 257 - Christmasember, Not Understanding How Things Work, Horror Sequels, Redhead Erasure
Ep 256 - Counter-Advertising, Acceptance Speeches, The Small Penis Frontier, The Worst Decision Ever
Ep 255 - Resignations, Not Being Able to Take a Punch, Version 1.0, Translation Accuracy
Ep 254 - Getting Old, The Hate Rectangle, Legacy IP, Trust the Plan
Ep 253 (Minisode) - Foreign Language Classes, Low Power Microwaves, Van Life, More Free Things Please, The Fall Tease, Mango, Custom Tools, Constant Upselling
Ep 252 - True Crime Internet Detectives, Not Enough Beer, The Man Behind The Wizard, Third Party Support Sites
Ep 251 - Celebrity Gossip Pipeline, Satellite TV, Flaggots, Non Fan Complaints
Ep 250 - Zombieland: Double Tap, Mobile Game Economy, A Lack of Visible Artistry, Collectibles
Ep 249 Tyrone Watermelon - Jeopardy Host Debacle, The U.S. Dollar, People That Don't Value Pets
Ep 248 - Skyrim's House of Cards, Alex Kurtzman's Re-Signing, Adapting the Worst, Insular Movie Communities
Ep 247 - Whiskey Tasting, Always Being Connected, Illusion of Stock, Armchair Generals
Ep 246 - Enhanced Cleaning Procedures, The Death Warrant of HWIDG, Elon Musk, Asterisks
Ep 245 - "I Didn't Mean to Sic My Fans On You", Saying Goodbye, Streaming Rights
Ep 244 - Cheaters, Falling For It, Making Up Leaks, Doubling Down
Ep 243 - Broken Computers, Bad Internet, "What I Look Like Now" Posts, Social Taxonomy
Ep 242 - Alien Covenant, Non-Alcoholic Whiskey, Live Chat, Web of Lies
Ep 241 - Won't Someone Think About the Dogs?!, Freedom Isn't Free, Invincible Pacing, Women Using Kids to Stop Fun
Ep 240 - Open Container Laws, Bad Endings, Paper Checks, Beating it Out of You
Ep 239 - Not Doing Your Job, Juneteenth, Barren Food Wastelands, Honeypots
Ep 238 - Government Slow Lane, CG Trailers, The Smart Home, Missing a Line Drive
Ep 237 - Spin-off Shows, Vocal Fillers, Kaijuu Lovers, Recap Reviews
Ep 236 - Department of Public Safety, Amazon Sidewalk, Massacres, Lazy Twitch Streamers
Ep 235 Rem Dickman - Normie Nerddom, One Person Majority, Planet Manlet
Ep 234 - Average Movie Goers, Dhar Mann Videos, People Delaying You Fixing the Problem, The Turn
Ep 233 Adam from Houston -
Big Change Now, Asshole Engineering, The Science is Settled
Ep 232 Deadhelm -
May the 4th, California, Armageddon Vibes
Ep 231 Sage -
The Spirit of the Game, Services Being Pushed Onto the Consumer, Stoner Comedies
Ep 230 Madcucks -
People Hijacking Your Arguments, Not Respecting Twitch Streamers, Small Bathrooms
Ep 229 -
Fake Cameras, Hate Speech Filters, Censoring Adult Media, Accident Babies
Ep 228 Karl from WATP -
Flat Earth, Actor Podcasts, Ridiculousness
Ep 227 Larry Bleidner -
Assembly Line Animation, Infantilism, Thinking Gas Vehicles Will Be Obsolete
Ep 226 - The Fandom Menace, Interactive Ads, Nostalgia Movies, Levels of Importance
Ep 225 Crippled Jesus - Burying the Source Material, Self-help Articles, Addiction Shaming, Too Long a Waiting Period, "I'm Not a Fan, But..."
Ep 224 - Virtual School, Smoker Damage, Gender Spectrum, NFTs
Ep 223 - Mac Obfuscation, Snow Removal, Action v. Emotion, GM Ultima
Ep 222 - Catching the Tail End, Bitter Cold, Liars Using Stats, Sharknados
Ep 221 Crippled Jesus - Not Letting Go, Poorly Constructed Legal Arguments, Higher Than Normal
Ep 220 - The Kiss of Death, Justin Trudeau, Canada, Death of the G.E.D.
Ep 219 - Computerized Everything, Being Against WSB, Ruinous Characters, "Addressing the Problem"
Ep 218 - Used Item Decency, The Repair Hole, r/MandelaEffect, DRM
Ep 217 - Freedom From Discussion, Miniscule News, Moral Superiority, The Dark Age of PC Ports
Ep 216 Uncle Buck - Hiking 5.4 Miles, Politics Injection, Redditors
Ep 215 Uncle Buck - Being a Dick to your Kids, Not Doing Your Homework, Moving Out

Season Four - Tab, Tim, & Todd
Ep 214 - Traveler's Tales, DC Film Multiverse, The Slide Into Degeneracy, A Lack of Archival
Ep 213 - The Desire to See Terrible Things, Rooting for the Empire, Thinking You Can Change Someone’s Mind, Candy Canes
Ep 212 - Post Tampa, Cyberpunk
Ep 211 - Why There Isn't a John Wick Game, A Ticking Clock Over Your Head, Pandemic Bell Ringers, Trimming the Tree
Ep 210 Uncle Buck - Sh!tty Tools, Indigenous People's, What do you want for Christmas, The Expendable Franchise
Ep 209 Uncle Buck - The Pity Card, Playdates, All the Evil stuff Trump has done, Mandatory Political Symbols
Ep 208 4 Years! -
Mixing Metric and Imperial, Bicyclists, Low Res UI, Buying Consoles Day One
Ep 207 - Kung Fury, Fast Food Workers, Remember, This Isn't Over, Making Math Suck
Ep 206 - Pet Clothes, Untamed Scale, Dream People, Decline of Slasher Films
Ep 205 - Non-Candy Halloween Treats, Non-Secular Media, Standing Alone, New Unsolved Mysteries
Ep 204 - Not Available In Your Country, Needing Celebrity Endorsement, Only Playing the New Stuff, Fauxmpkins
Ep 203 - Spooky Season, Storm Chasers, Halloween Movies, Politics
Ep 202 - Mice, Hyper-Edited Podcasts, Self-Censoring, Rich White People
Ep 201 - The Open Software Gamble, Getting Your Issue Solved Right Before You Record, Fact Checkers, Douche vs Turd Sandwich
Ep 200 - No Source, Collectible Coins, Ignoring Scalpers, Time to Load Games
Ep 199 - Blowing Smoke Up Your Ass, Tree Care, People Who Don't Take Care of their Car, The Gathering Place
Ep 198 - Gimmick Burgers, Tom Cruise, Rob Schneider, Battle Royale Games
Ep 197 - Black Panther, Unitarians, No Backwards Compatibility, Freedom of the Press
Ep 196 - Security Theatre, Going Up, "Just", Losing Your Wallet
Ep 195 - Halfassing the Job, Won't Get Fooled Again, Moral Bragging (Special Guest CrippledJesus), Burying the Lede!
Ep 194 - Taking the Long Way, Captain Janeway, Preorders, Bugs
Ep 193 - Government Employees, Not Following Your Own Rules, UPS Drivers, Audiologs
Ep 192 - Sad Slow Covers for Trailers, Moving, Not Sticking to Naming Conventions, Men
Ep 191 Justin Silverman - Transferring Services, Why They Still Make Star Trek, Pretending You Care
Ep 190 - Cancel Culture, Big Sequels, Harry Potter, Smelling Your Own Farts
Ep 189 - Picking up Strays, Diplomatic Impunity, Quibi, Protesting After the Fact
Ep 188 - Outbigotting, Making the Issue About Me, No Value In Intelligence, Musicians Kidnapping Fans
Ep 187 - Insufficient Cooling, Poorly Made in China 2: Coilover Boogaloo, Zoomers vs Millenials, The Ass-Blastening
Ep 186 - Phased Reopenings, Black or White, Football Funding, Monopolies
Ep 185 - Trusting Science, Systemic Racism, Bad Timing, Publisher v. Platform
Ep 184 - Gaslighting, Missing Passages, Modernizing Films, Water Levels
Ep 183 - Opening the Floodgates, Working Under the Gallows, Showrunners, Dramacasts
Ep 182 - Seatbelt Propaganda, Campers, Otherkin, Songs That Are Too Good
Ep 181 - Stickers, Voter ID, The Elder Scrolls VI, Zoom
Ep 180 - To-the-day Anniversaries, Hoarders, Masks, Release the Snyder Cut
Ep 179 - Live Services, Modelers, Stopping the Bleach Drinkers, Amazon
Ep 178 - Waffle Fries, When RTFM Fails, Valorant Anti-cheat, Let's Not Be Too Hasty
Ep 177 Tony from Hack the Movies - Neo-Hygenists, Where's Antifa?, TV Show Movies
Ep 176 - Karens, Data Caps, Crazy Coincidences, Heroes
Ep 175 - Secret Hitler, No Contact Delivery, $1,200, The Re-acquaintancing Period
Ep 174 - Religious Interference, Self-Isolation, Plug-n-Play, People That Can't Cook
Ep 173 ASE Riley - IRL Lootboxes, #coronaculture, Thots
Ep 172 - Apple, Timewasters. Days, Silver Platter Dystopia
Ep 171 - ASMR, Closing Pandora's Box, Not Expecting Failure, Burying OC
Ep 170 - Quick Turn Arounds, Celebrity By Association, Geriatric Complaints, Well Done
Ep 169 - Sneaky Political Ads, Robert's Rules of Order, DC's 5G, Conflating SciFi and Fantasy
Ep 168 - Movie Budget Inflation, Oscars over Razzies, Feeding the Monster, No Tours
Ep 167 - Playing "What's this Commercial For?", Iowa Caucuses, Download Limits, Virus Fearmongering
Ep 166 - Finally Getting Something Ruined, People Who Don't Understand Analogies, "Too Soon", Other Mustang Guys
Ep 165 - Updates for Outdated Tech, Trolley Question, Rules for Thee But Not for Me, Exclusives
Ep 164 Isaac Jackson - Big UI, Race Relations, It's Not For You... It's For Kids
Ep 163 - Caring About the Middle East, Handling it with Memes, "It's For the Kids", One Bad Experience
Ep 162 - Pull-Out Sofa Beds, Non-Stock Android, Getting Back to It, Future Half-steps
Ep 161 - People That Think Everything is for Them, Blaming the Fans, Clickbait, Participation Awards
Ep 160 - Christmas, End of the Decade Lists, Goverment Hours, Deleting/Deactivating Accounts
Ep 159 - Clothes Material Importance, Feeling Inadequate, Suddenly Bad Art , Adopting Mobile Game Currencies
Ep 158 - Orgasm Denial, Getting John Wick'd, Small Town Cops, Product Segmentation
Ep 157 - Tech Support, The Scam of Religion, Picking Fights with Family, Stingy Restaurants
Ep 156 3 Years! - Pre-Fanning, Battered Wife Franchises, Fake Politeness, Ford Mach-E Mustang
Ep 155 - Boomers, Brand Loyalty, The Laws That Will Save Us, The Death of the Arcade
Ep 154 - The New "Man on the Street", The Open Carry Scare, Letting the Guitar Player Sing One, Co-opting Geek Culture
Ep 153 - Fallout 1st, Upselling, Bad Candy, Halloween Haters
Ep 152 - Friends That Don't Drink, Sports Bars, Store-Bought Halloween, Paper Straws
Ep 151 - "Owned", Nay-saying Progress, Internet Celebs Going Mainstream, Ghosts
Ep 150 Mandi Weems- Too Soon Biopics, Video Games Causing Violence, Witches
Ep 149 - Positively Platitudinal, Settling for Windows, Social Media Skeletons, Ugly and Unorganized Files
Ep 148 - Delivery By Amazon, Drink More Water, Rambo Reviews, Work Updates on Vacation
Ep 147 - Giving Away Time, China Owning Amazon, Sudden Vape Problem, Nintendo Fanboys
Ep 146 - Having to Turn to Reddit, That One Song, Making a Problem for Yourself, Discord Culture
Ep 145 -
Rich People Reality TV, Home Invasion Fantasies, IMDB Trivia, Bad Google Maps
Ep 144 - Companies Using Franchises as Pawns, Having to Grin and Bear It, Companies Ignoring Product Flaws, Teachers
Ep 143 - Seniority, Impolite Kids. How Good We Have It, People Being Emphatically Wrong
Ep 142 - Other People's Kitchens, Subscriptions, Delivery Drivers Forgetting Your Stuff, Limited Adoption of Ethernet Cables
Ep 141 - Cats: The Musical, Manufactured Hype, Streaming Categories, Another Walking Dead Spinoff
Ep 140 - Rude People, Coddling, Foot Fetishists, Use It or Lose It
Ep 139 - No Callbacks, iPad Checkout Kiosks, Star Trek: Picard, A Lack of Trash Cans
Ep 138 Ethan Dudenhoeffer - Not Adapting the Source Material, Back to School, Thin Towels and Socks, Recycling
Ep 137 Kotojak -
Spare Tires, Micro USB, GPU Naming Schemes
Ep 136 -
Erasing the Evidence of Your Tomfoolery, Boomers Not Knowing How Computers Work, HBO, James Cameron's Avatar, Shyster Hospital Billing
Ep 135 -
Las Vegas, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, Celebrity Restaurants, Stopping Just Before the Finish Line
Ep 134 -
Ticket Fees, Abortion, Small Item Insurance, Homelessness
Ep 133 -
Colleague Competitions, Pre/Post Shows, Gluten Intolerance, Commitment
Ep 132 -
Disney Live Action Remakes, "Call Me If You Need Anything", New Mac Pro, Amateur Hour
Ep 131 -
Speed Limits, Flying Bugs, Equality, F2P Mobile Games
Ep 130 -
Weather Freak Outs, Moochers, Petitions, Homeopathy
Ep 129 -
Shirtless People, PC Controllers, Punitive Efficiency, Non-Profits, Reviving An IP For The Trend
Ep 128 Joel Chaco from
Buck and Chaco - Big Plugs, Coffeehouse Covers, Not Cursing
Ep 127 -
Bad Comedy, Party Poopers, Pick and Choose Spoilers, Manufactured B Movies
Ep 126 JP & Grant from
The Dickheads Podcast - Instant Gratification, Warning Labels, Pronouns, Easter Grass
Ep 125 - Parental Perks, The New Hellboy Movie, A-Hole Forum Posters, Church Drums
Ep 124 Agoraphobic Paul - St. Louis, Big Data Accountability, Gaming Journalism
Ep 123 - Unowned Media, April Fool's Day, Automaton Culture, Bank Commercials
Ep 123 April Fools - The Mandela Effect, The Parenthood Penalty
Ep 122 -
Overcomplicated Restaurant Menus, Closed Economies, Error Codes, No Buttons
Ep 121 - Small Governments, Florida, TV Hacking, Store Layouts Changing
Ep 120 - Product Lines, Restaurant Birthdays, Passwords
Ep 119 - Digital Survivalists, The Cone Of Shame, Cultural Touchstones, Law & Order: SVU
Ep 118 - The Red Carpet, Feeding The Ego, Giving Up Easily, School Buses
Ep 117- Marijuana Activists, Picking Apart Everything, Technical Difficulties, The Toe Bro
Ep 116 - Not Being Warned, Health Insurance, Wanting To Fix The Unfixable, Buying Gifts For Other People
Ep 115 Officer Kevin & Officer Grant from
Thought Cops - Quoting Orwell, Super Bowl Halftime Shows, People that only watch the Super Bowl for the Commercials, Slow Deaths
Ep 114 Crippled Jesus -
The Uber Quality, Spectrum Mandatory Meetings, Environmentalism
Ep 113 Tony from
Hack the Movies - Journalism, Ghostbusters, Fortune Tellers, Toxic Masculinity
Ep 112 -
People Putting Stuff On Your Car, Influencers, Nostalgia Pandering, Non-Powered Tools
Ep 111 -
Putting it Back in the Box, Speeding Tickets, This 1988 Dr. Pepper Commercial, Celebrity YouTube
Ep 110 -
Hiking, Ruining the Classics, Retired Action Heroes, Taking a Baby to a Restaurant
Ep 109 -
Subtweeting, Not Admitting Your Biases, Mobile Game Timers, Abandoning the Final Frontier
Ep 108 Dick Masterson -
Greedy Nintendo, Boob Drop GIFs That Are Too Slow, A Lack of Curiosity
Ep 107 -
Risk Aversion, Fire Alarms, Patio Eating, Bad Trailer Music
Ep 106 -
Upstagers, Consequences after the Credits, The Tumblr Ban, Vegans
Ep 105 -
Clothes Sizing, Corporate Communal Property, Christian Rock, Lego Ghostbusters Woes

Season Three - Tab & Tim
Ep 104 Uncle Buck - Burning the Coffee Pot, Too Many Emails, Useless Soundboard Customer Support, Black Month
Ep 103 -
Being Sick, Tabloids, The Quiet Man, The Peter Principle
Ep 102 -
Too Good to Be True, Breaking the Voting Wall, Charity, Unwanted Mosh Pits
Ep 101 -
Controllers, Discord, No Dark Mode, Dongles
Ep 100 -
Resellers, Drunk Old Heads, Online Garage Sales, Forced Stealth Sections
Ep 99 -
Diet Food, Getting Lost, Picking Scabs, Fanfiction
Ep 98 -
Break Ups, Phone VR, The End of the World, The Restart Dilemma
Ep 97 Alan Foster -
Bad Scheduling, Beer Shaming, Spoofing
Ep 96 -
Taking Your Dogs Places, Forever, Episode 6 - "Andre and Sarah", Google's Listening/Hostage Strategy, Phone Call Run Arounds
Ep 95 -
80s Reboots/Revivals, The 5G Push, Not Adapting, Incomplete News
Ep 94 -
Terrestrial Radio, Choice Paralysis, Ceremonies, Daytime TV
Ep 93 -
Autoplay Ads, The Mail, Leaving the Ecosystem, Working Holidays Ads.
Ep 92 - Madden, Netflix, Two Lane Roads, Wearing Shoes without Socks
Ep 91 - Upgrade Downgrades, Not Taking Care of Your Guys, Predictive Text, Hollywood Accounting
Ep 90 - Shrinking Men's Sections, Release Dates, School Fundraisers, Wrong Numbers
Ep 89 - Crowd Screamers, Unsolved Mysteries, Battery Lies, Conspiracy Theories
Ep 88 - Office Ladies, Swimming, Constant Connectivity, Too Old to Be Out in Public
Ep 87 - Funerals, Being Offended Online, Mattress Sales, 'Passing the Buck' Signs
Ep 86 - Retail Seasons, Losing the Thing You Just Had,  Amazon Prime Day, Burning Your Mouth
Ep 85 - Minimalism, 40 Hours, Waking Up, New Math
Ep 84 - Communism, Coke Freestyle Machines, Flag Stuff, Not Taking the Plastic Off
Ep 83 - Our System is Down, Future Tech, Notifications, Off Weekends
Ep 82 - Vitamins, American Sports Broadcasting, Disregarding Democracy, Having More Than Two Pets
Ep 81 - Other People on Drugs, Smartwatches, Spoilers, The Shadow Campaign
Ep 80 - Movies and Shows leaving streaming services, McDonald's, Other People Driving, Sweatpants
Ep 79 Tony From Hack the Movies - Graduation, The Social Justice Droid from Solo, Allergies
Ep 78 - Fort Knox Level Account Security, My Culture is not your Viral Marketing Campaign, Bones in Food, Rush Hour
Ep 77 - Being Outside, Hospitals, Handicap Spaces, Extreme Tonal Shifts
Ep 76 - Funko Pops. Birthdays, Summer, The Useless Things Taught in Schools
Ep 75 Uncle BuckAge Gates, Faked Authority, Star Wars
Ep 74 - Blowing Your Second Chance, The Royal Family Circle Jerk, Ghosting, Why Isn't it Called Jurassic Park 5?
Ep 73 - Captcha, Mobile Redirects, Removing Functionality to the App, Phone Keyboards
Ep 72 - The Inconvenience of Home Repair, Down Playing Important Life Events, Stall Callers, Ice
Ep 71 - Filing Your Own Taxes, Aisle Blockers, Form Over Function, Phone Call Paralysis
Ep 70 - Back Pain, Interview Questions, Online Resume and Cover Letter Shenanigans, Data Breaches
Ep 69 - Local News, Other People's Bathrooms, Shower Sex, The Pre-Sleep Self-Cringe Marathon
Ep 68 - Cryptocurrency, Sandals, People with no Spacial Awareness, Cable Management
Ep 67 - Industry Award Circle Jerk, Poorly Constructed Sandwiches, Family Tech Support, Beer
Ep 66 - Download Managers, Panic Attacks, Power Surges, Sources
Ep 65 - Asylum Films, "Can I Help You With Anything?", No Demos for Games Anymore, White Clothing
Ep 64 - Repairman Scheduling, Valentine's Day, The Olympics, The Socratic Method
Ep 63 - Your Dumb Music, Oblivious People, Truck Guys, Trailers for Trailers
Ep 62 - Impatient People, Speed Humps, The You-Tube Invasion, Proprietary Technology
Ep 61 - Electives, "Me Too" Businesses, Your Dumb TV Show, Testicles
Ep 60 - Planned Obsolescence, Your Dumb Fucking Children, Not Putting things back where they go, Not removing the ice from your car 
Ep 59 Nick Rekieta -
Organic Food, Checks, Paying Taxes and Fees on things you already own
Ep 58 - Life Hacks, Not Committing to Film, Weird Sleeping Habits, Mansplaining
Ep 57 - Cars w/o Phone Holders, Places open on Christmas Day that don't need to be, No/Poor Return Policies, Family Photos
Ep 56 - Xmas Light Tours, Fake Holidays, Eggnog, Wrapping Presents
Ep 55 - Net Neutrality, Shipping and Tracking, "Have you eaten here before?", Awards Shows not aboout the Awards
Ep 54 - The Living Room-ification of Movie Theaters, Electronic Arts' Sudden Villainy, Terrible Final Jeopardy Questions, Salvation Army Bell Ringers

Season Two - Buck & Tab
Ep 53 Joel Chaco -
 Wake-up Calls / Reality Check, The Internet of Things, Stick Figure Family Stickers
Ep 52 Tim the HandlebreakerHollywood Types Who Think That Their Poop Doesn't Stink, Dreams, Not Fixing The Problem
Ep 51 Mono'c Pat Outdoor Festivals, Bureaucracy, Toy Video Games
Ep 50 - Biting Your Tongue, Sudden Infestations of Flies, Religion
Ep 49 - "I Have No Filter," Representation Olympics, "Men Experience Labor Pain" Videos, Poor Quality Audio Books
Ep 48 - Diversified Construction, Low Flow Toilets, Fake Fall, People Nosing Into Your Business
Ep 47 - Being the Jerk, Emotional Blackmail, Basic Chick Food, Smoking
Ep 46 - Starting the Rumor MIll, Basic Chick Clothing, School Zones, Unearned beards
Ep 45 - Basic Chick Advertising, Automatic Password Changes, Annoying Biological Tendencies, No Refills After You Paid
Ep 44 - Fancy People Coming To The Theater, Unwanted Well-Wishers, Mic Check, Doomsday Salesmen
Ep 43 - Ambush Journalism, Umbrellas, Suicide by Cop, Tech Week
Ep 42 - Craigslist, Getting Medically Jerked Around, Turnpikes, Cultural spoilers
Ep 41 - False Surprise Surgery, Gambling, Pimple popping videos, The Gospel of Hate
Ep 40 - Vertical Filming, Not Doing Your Research, Found Footage, Waiters Singing Happy Birthday
Ep 39 - Novelty Items, Video Game Ratings, Dress Code Complainers, Marches and/or Protests
Ep 38 Empress Of Melanin - DJs who Can't Read The Room, "I Ain't Your Nocket", "We Need to Talk"
Ep 37 - Audits, Littering, The Anti-Rape Device, The Bechdel Test
Ep 36 - New Phones, Leaving your kids in a hot car, Passing Leap Frog, Job True Believers
Ep 35 - Price Obfuscation, PETA, Membership Cards, Amusement Park Ticket Prices
Ep 34 - The Hallmark Channel, Weather men, Using Your Kids for Virtue Signaling, Updates
Ep 33 - College, Password Glitches, Textbooks, Ecosexuals
Ep 32 - Slow People In Buffet Lines, "I'm a [blank]" guys, Pirate movies, Assigned Seating at Movie Theaters
Ep 31 - Delivery Tracking, Cuddlists, DIY, Weaponized Consent Laws
Ep 30 - Drum Solos, Petty Theft, Glorifying Violence, Differing Legal Ages
Ep 29 The Biggest Mikey - The Self-Esteem Movement, Black and White Special Editions, Coin Operated Air Compressors
Ep 28 - Burger Topings, Cancer Movies, Crowd Funding, Breakup Songs
Ep 27 Joel Chaco - Fake Beefs, Uninformed Knee-Jerk Reactions, Google's Alternate Directions
Ep 26 - Professional Installations, "Can I speak to your manager?", Star Trek Discovery, Fan-made Lightsaber Duels
Ep 25 - Vehicle Rental Companies, Greeting Cards, Waterless Urinals, Chicks Who Break Your Toys
Ep 24 - Control Freak Sound Guys, Cold Showers, Scientism, Micro-Aggressions
Ep 23 - DVD/Blu-Ray Previews, Follow-Up Doctor's Visits, Windows 10, Musical Episodes

Season One - Buck & Chaco
Ep 22 -
Ghostbusters (2016), The 1980s
Ep 21 Larry Bleidner - Inconsiderate Noisemakers, Sugary Holidays, Cowards
Ep 20 - Earbud Interrupters, Blind Faith, Tiny Houses, Life's Constant Onslaught
Ep 19 Razor Fist - Russia, YouTube Monetization, Internet Arguments
Ep 18 Randy Santel - Night leg cramps, Bad nutrition, Online shopping
Ep 17 Madcucks - Weddings, Rubberneckers, Haters
Ep 16 I, Hypocrite - Penmanship Prudes, Beauty and the Beast Backlash, Career Activists
Ep 15 Short Sleeve Sampson - The Word "Midget", Healthy Food Options, Decorative Swords
Ep 14 Izzy Nobre - No Designated Loud Children Areas, Brazil, The Oscars
Ep 13 Devon Tracey (aka Atheism is Unstoppable) - Germany, Militant Atheism, Regressivism
Ep 12 - Fever Brain, Gluten, Sick Call-In Stigma, Public Sector Unions
Ep 11 Blonde/Berkeley Brendan - Police Stand Down Orders, False Equivalencies, Downfall of Western Civilization
Ep 10 Adam Nash - Shitposting, Initial Reports, Internet Gurus
Ep 9 Blonde - The United Nations, Angel Shots, "Peaceful Protesters"
Ep 8 Grant J. Kidney - Shitty Fiverr Results, Flip-Flopping, Disrupt J20
Ep 7 Matt Christiansen - Corporate Twitter, Chick-Fil-A Hate, Fake Victims
Ep 6 Empress of Melanin Real Racism vs Fake Racism, Unfriending, Soft Censorship
Ep 5  -  Lemon Turkey, Year Blaming
Ep 4 Madcucks - Double Parking, Christmas Debt, Derivative Podcasts, Santa Claus Myth, Birth Control
Ep 3 - Disney Star Wars, No Siestas, Elf on the Shelf, War on Christmas
Ep 2 - Evil Schedulers, Impractical Clothing, Sony Entertainment, Circumcision
Ep 1 Larry Bleidner - Throw Pillows, Birthday Weeks, 12-Story Falls, Commie Lovers, Mid-Life Crises