Episode 176 - Mammonaut

Hello there. Sergeant Jones reporting here. We recently carried out a raid on an illegally operating business during this quarantine. Two men were found and turned over to the CIA for disposal err I mean questioning. These men were conducting illegal broadcasts denouncing our supreme leader and other highly respected members of the government. We have hijacked their signal and broadcasted this dummy episode as bait. We've backtraced all of your IPs, and you too, their loyal listeners, will be fully investigated and punished by the law. We're coming for you weasels.

* Karens
* Data Caps
* Crazy Coincidences
* Heroes

Is K*ren a slur? Absolutely noHEY WAIT A MINUTE. K*ren. K*ren. K*REN. What the hell is going on? My computer won't let my type K*ren. Let me just check the news here, oh god, they did it. All the ignorant-ass K*rens actually talked to the manager of this godforsaken place and yelled at them. Just like a K*ren to think that once they get insulted they must defeat the source of it. Well guess what middle-aged WASPS with bad haircuts, I'm gonna go through all the names until you have to start turning your pale-ass offspring into Davidina or Johnya, okay Sharon?

Data Caps are like the tooth fairy, an imaginary way for adults to waste their money. They're also like Bitcoin. Everyone's heard of it, but no one knows why it exists or how it works. So, during a big ol quarantine we have no data caps, even though traffic is at its highest, but you're going to throttle me for torrenting a terrabyte of Phish live shows in FLAC at 4 in the morning when the lowest amount of people are on? Blow me. And when we go back, will we still have no data caps? ABSOLUTELY NOT.

Time. The universe. Chaos vs. order. Ever seen in to the fourth dimension? Open your third eye SHEEPLE. The nebulas are burning and we're responsible for our ancestor's sins. The galaxy is radiating with bio-electric feedback. We are at a crossroads of transformation and turbulence. Reality has always been radiating with dream-weavers whose essences are baptized in self-actualization. The nexus is approaching a tipping point in which humanity's superstructures will crumble under the weight of quantum waveform frequencies.

Superman. Batman. Spider-man. Iron Man. The Hulk, even, those are heroes. Eugene the high school dropout that includes dimebags with ever order of chicken nuggets is not a hero. He's a capitalist slave. He can't afford to quit his job, and even though there's a superflu floating around outside his job won't let him not interact with people, or he'll get fired. You want Eugene to be a hero? Wait until he quits his job and gets hit by a falling alien meteor, gains the ability to fly, super strength, and laser vision, and flies around giving everyone free weed. Now that's a hero.

All this and more on this week’s episode! Don't forget  to join us on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON, NEWPROJECT2 or by  BUYING A SHIRT