Episode 190 - Huffle My Puff

We here at HWIDG are proud to announce that we are currently preparing for an eventual 2024 Presidential run. That's right, Tab and Tim are finally getting political, in a big way. As President, Tab promises to put taxes in the trash and a fat-ass steak on every plate in America. As Vice President, Tim will be locked in a padded cell with increasingly brittle items until his hands can no longer be considered lethal weapons. So when you're at the polls (in a few years) vote for what you DO get:

* Cancel Culture
* Big Sequels
* Harry Potter
* Smelling Your Own Farts

Well, it finally happened folks. We got hit. Sure it was an indirect one, but it still hurts. Turns out if you remove the context that something was said in, and jumble the words around, take a few out and throw a couple in, it turns what you said into cancel-able fodder. Look, eventually one of two things will happen. Either they win and everyone that isn't in line gets canceled, or they cancel the wrong person and people die.

There's two places where bigger means better: Texas and porn. Outside of that, it's pretty hit or miss. Sometimes it works out. Ending the first 10 years of the MCU with a 2-part 6 hour CGI extravaganza works because they built up to it. Taking one terrifying space-horror monster and making an army of them fight a bunch of space marines? BOOOOOOO. Or maybe you spend just a little too long telling us how your fantasy hero learned how to do sex good from fairies and was an awesome gaijin samurai.

Harry Potter, one of the last if not the last cornerstone of public media. With the rise of the internet, you could just go out and find fellow [INSERT CHOSEN MEDIA HERE] nerds instead of pushing it on the others around you. Combined with the fairly soon movie adaptations while the books were still out, it was a media sensation that everyone in your family was into! Apparently though, it's the only book or movie some people have seen and therefore it's all they can relate real life issues to. Guess what Sarah? You will never be able to do magic. Shut up and keep embarrassing yourself by pretending to play Quidditch in the park.

Sometimes someone receives so much praise, has such a high ego of themselves, and has no one tell them they suck, and therefore they get their head stuck up their own ass so far that it cannot medically be pulled out. You can tell this person from others because they can't take criticism, and refuse to admit any wrongdoing on their part. It's always someone else's fault. Also, there should be a faint smell of feces emanating from their head.

All this and more on this week’s episode! Don't forget to join us on DISCORD, and support us on PATREON or by BUYING A SHIRT!