Episode 373 - Crashed and Burned

Chaco and Tab are back for once last February arrow discussing...

Franchise Executions

Debt has really become the shackles which we are dragged around. Most institutions are founded around creating or exploiting debt. Generational wealth is being eroded away for the middle class, and hence they are descending into the lower class. All of this while faceless bankers line their pockets and devalue not just our currency, but our value as people.

Hollywood is in dire need of an intervention. Every other day some star says something profoundly stupid or uninteresting and immediately irritates half the population. You are a dancing monkey, dance, that's all we want from you. Brands are immolating themselves to try and earn credits from one group or the other. We're pro second amendment! Yeah I do not care, is the coffee good? Oh it's not? Thanks for nothing.

All of that plus news, a voicema- oh never mind.

Episode 372 - Shap Tahlk

Chaco and Tab are back again this week and their manifesting their Toxic Masculinity talking about...

Poor Male Role Models
The End of Shop Talk

The gynocracy has been upon us for more than a generation and men pine for someone to look up to. Unfortunately there are a mess of toxic men out there seeking to leverage desperate men into a payday. They pretend to support traditional male values, instead though through degeneracy and deceit they lead more young men to unfulfilling lifestyles.

Part of the PC culture taking over is the end of men truly speaking of what they know and the hows and whys. Generational knowledge of taking charge of your life and home is dying and with it the independence that men used to embody. As we fail to learn from our predecessors and worse fail to pass on what we know what happens? That's right the death of western society.

All of that plus your voicemails, news, and is that what I think it is? A CPAP Update?

Episode 371 - Delusions of Justice

Tab and Chaco are back again this week. Tab has been mildly electrocuted and Chaco is under the impression he's fighting in the French Revolution.

The Project Slippery Slope

We've talked about it before but more and more it seems there's a total disconnect between the reality we live in and the perceptions of those around us. Partially it is the massive media push to keep moving from subject to subject so quickly you'll never know or remember what happened. Partly it's a culture that rewards forgetfulness and terrible self image. Either way it makes those of us stuck on this plane completely miserable.

We've all been there, sun is setting on a Saturday afternoon. That quick half hour project has ballooned to all day. One of your eyes is twitching, there's a non-zero amount of blood spread around the area, and your wife is asking when you are going to be done because we have dinner with the Smiths. I guess it will continue into Sunday.

All of that plus your voicemails, news, and a very special CPAP UPDATE!

Episode 370 -Shflation

Reminder that the Patreon is reopening February 1st, please adjust your subscriptions as you see fit, thank you.

Tab and Chaco are back again this week, and this episode is actually being released in the same Lunar New year it was recorded! Talking about...

  • Petit Tyrants

  • Shflation

  • Weaponizing Others Religion

We grant people control over little mundane things all the time. Normal people take this power with grace and dignity and only wield power in a manner consistent with the common good. Others plant their little poop emoji flag on their new "Kingdom" and make everyone else's lives a living hell. These are the exact people who should never be allowed sway over the lives of others in any capacity, send them to the mines. You're now the Senior VP of smashing this rock into a smaller rock.

We've talked a lot on this show about how the world has been on this downward trend for all of our lifetimes and most of our parents lifetimes. Now we have a new term, "Shflation" it's all the best parts of Shrinkflation and Sh!tflation combined together in a cheaper, smaller and less durable package! Just keep outsourcing it all and cutting corners that's never going to bite us!

Religion is a playbook for life, you are born into one, or maybe you choose one later in life, regardless it's yours. When others who don't read the playbook, and actively despise your playbook try to coerce your agreement by misrepresenting your playbook to you, it makes me irate. You want to enforce morality, or ethics, come with your own playbook and make an argument why your book is better. Oh you don't have a book, yours is just about how mine is all lies. Sound to me like you need to STFU!

All of that plus news, voicemails, and that all important CPAP UPDATE!

Episode 369 - Cut the Check

Big announcement this week, starting February 1st the HWIDG Patreon will be back up and collecting donations, please edit your subscriptions as you see fit, and thank you for your support.

This week El Chaco are back in 2025 and bringing in a big episode talking about...

  • Reparations

  • Playing God

  • Command Track

Victim points are all the rage, and they'll continue to be as long as we keep giving into this delusion that you are somehow owed for having a bad experience. In the same vein as trying to get an apartment because you were on the hours long sinking of the Andrea Doria, the gimmies are out here trying to capitalize on events a century gone by. This is absurd, the only person to blame for your circumstances is yourself, take responsibility and move on.

It's the Year 2125, HWIDG has been on the internet for 107 years. The Patreon is at nearly 200 space dollars. Tab and Chaco are hooked to dozens of machines barely alive, eyes held open to an endless stream of AI Generated rage bait, so the show may go on. Are they alive? Technically yes. Is life worth living? Not at all. Why are we trying to extend life, when we haven't even gotten rid of the things that make life crap? Maybe we should work on improving today, instead of gaining endless tomorrows.

Someone once spoke on power corrupting, someone else once spoke about how those who seek power are the least qualified to wield it. Both of those have been rattling around my head for the last 5 years as I've moved more and more into management. This vicious cycle of earning more, and living better has pushed me from the simple console jockey I once was, into a leader, and I gotta say it sucks. At the end of the day someone has to make the tough choices, and I think I'm better at it than someone who wants to make the tough choices, so I guess I'll just keep going.

All of that plus, News, Your voicemails, and as I said February 1st the Patreon will return to offset the costs of producing the show.

Episode 368 - Wrong About Rights

Another delayed episode now available for your listening pleasure. El Chaco and Tab are ranting in this doubled up episode.

  • Pet Parents

  • Cultural Rorschach Tests

  • People Who Don't Understand Rights

  • Taylor Swift

    Single white women who just can't find a good man, of course they can't respond to a text message either, have no choice. Instead of putting their biological urges into letting go of the delusion that they can find a 6'4" man who makes $250,000 a year, has no kids, isn't fat, and is going to love them at their worst, they're going to invest it all in a pet, and now "I'm a mom." This absolutely tedious response to nature's clock makes me want to put a sign on the moon telling them all to "loose weight."

    More and more it seems we live in different planes of existence from each other. The same event will be seen by different sides and it's like someone is tweeting from the Mirror Universe of the Bizzaro Universe. Completely divorced from the same reality you and I dwell. It's truly telling though how their worldview shapes the interpretation of seemingly obvious events. 

    For all the talk of how Teachers deserve more, it's pretty clear not a one of them did a good job, especially those tasked with teaching history and civics. There is a complete misunderstanding of how rights work. From the simple of not understanding where they come from, it's not the government. To not understanding the difference between a human right, a civic right, and a positive right, lumping them all together as if our creator intended for people to live in servitude so that you can be treated for being too fat to fit in an airplane seat.

    Taylor Swift is a global phenomenon, why though? The songs are mid, her dancing is mid, her face is pretty mid? Why do we keep hearing about her? Everything I've learned about Taylor Swift has been against my will, and I am really starting to resent it!

    All of that plus new, your voicemails, and starting February 1st the HWIDG Patreon will be back!

Episode 367 - Artistic Automation

This long delayed episode is finally live, this time Tab and Chaco are talking about,

  • The Death of Human Content

  • Art as a Process

As AI slowly takes over our lives, but before the robots rise up to wipe us all out, the first thing they are doing is just filling our feeds with trash. It's really our own faults though isn't it? I mean we've spent years doom scrolling through vapid nothingness of clickbait content across all social media, the well is starting to run dry so here's AI to add more trash for you to doom scroll through. At this point the robots won't even have to wipe us out, they'll just wait us out as we turn into the fatasses from Wally, and then they'll turn off the food tubes.

Piggy backing on that is the myth that art is something that can be automated. Sure there's a step by step process to completing a project, but true art isn't a paint by numbers task that can just be done. You need a spark of humanity to be able to create, without it you're no different than an AI, taking input and extrapolating out something kind of average and uninteresting.

All of that plus News, Voicemails, and effective February 1st the HWIDG Patreon will be back! Thanks for listening and supporting the show!

Episode 366 - The Ever Present Now

Welcome back to a rip roarin episode of HWIDG. Support Tab's inexplicable mustache choices by visiting www.Linktr.ee/moghvember once you've done that listen to Tab and Chaco wax poetic on...

Dystopia Overload
The Liberal Thought Process

For too long in media the dystopia has reigned supreme. Even when things look good, turns out the whole society is built upon power being derived from the flatulence of the masses. It's lazy writing and boring metaphor at this point. Give us something else, or you know keep doing the same garbage and act surprised when it doesn't sell.

It's 2000 and liberals are melting down about the election and wishing death on those they disagree with.
It's 2004 and liberals are melting down about the election and wishing death on those they disagree with.
It's 2016 and liberals are melting down about the election and wishing death on those they disagree with.
It's 2024 and liberals are melting down about the election and wishing death on those they disagree with.
Wow they aren't even trying any more.

All of that plus, tips for tanning, sasquatches, being ontime, and which former president should be in a hole in the ground!?
Donate to Moghvember at Linktr.ee/moghvember!

Episode 365 - Calendar Show

This week we're joined by JamieDlux and talking about mustaches linktr.ee/moghvember

Emotional Exhibitionism
Vice in Virtuous Clothing

This was recorded before the election, but holy hell did we see some more proud cry babies on the internet this week. It's worse than 2016 was. Why do these people take pride in being wound up by the world around them, it's pathetic.

These days as we continue to slide into degeneracy, the masters of the simulation try to make it seem like they aren't trying to poison our souls by having degenerate behavior minorly fund something that seems proper.

Additionally I'm taking part in Movember re termed Moghvember with some coworkers. We're raising funds for Peter and Paul Community Services here in St. Louis which services Men's homelessness. You can donate to one or all of us at Linktr.ee/Moghvember

Episode 362 - I'd Buy That For...

Chaco and Tab are back again this week, allergies are in full swing across the globe but these brave men soldier on in the face of adversity speaking on...

Loud Music
Dollar Store Derision

Everyone love's music, but you know what nobody loves your stupid music. Turn the knob down dillweed, we need not be subjected to your poor taste. There are about a hundred ways to listen to your music without affecting others. And audio engineers, if that's what you really are, turn your garbage system down. I shouldn't be experiencing physical pain at your concert, turn your amps down.

Dollar stores are everywhere. With low prices, under paid employees, crappy selection, and even worse quality, they're taking over the market. Rather than fix the problem in our society, commerce being regulated into oblivion, fuel costs skyrocketing as we demonize fossil fuels and limit production, increasing the minimum wage so worthless people can be paid more than I made as an assistant restaurant manager 15 years ago on their first day at mcdonalds, where they still can't stop putting ice in my drinks. No we need to stop the stores from existing, don't fix the culture of poverty, stop the stores.

All of that plus job advice, Chaco is in limbo, and your voicemails.

Episode 361 - Descent into Barbie Girls

Joel and Tab return from the shapeless void, with 7% more estrogen in their blood and no way to redeem it, they're complaining about...

People Who Don't Respect Sundays
Rewards Programs

Sure we should all be absolutely irate at the fact that our grandparents raised 5+ kids on less than $40,000 a year and only one income. What we should really be irate about though, is that our grandparents worked that one job, and when they left Friday afternoon, they we basically unreachable until the following Monday. Not any more, now your boss can insert themselves into your life about any stupid bullshit, at literally anytime of day or night. Then you get some absolute BS of, "You didn't answer my call on Saturday, you're not being a team player." Bitch I am not on the clock, leave me the hell alone.

60 years ago when plastics first hit the scene, it was a miracle material, light, flexible, and nigh indestructible. Now we're learning the true meaning of that last part. As more and more plastics are created it is slowly killing us. We may have fixed the toxic pollutants of the industrial revolution, but we replaced them with something far more insidious and longer lasting.

Have we covered rewards programs on this program? Sure multiple times, but they keep screwing us over so we're going to keep bringing it in. Be sure to get your card stamped for this version of rewards programs, after 10 you get a free cockpunch.

All of that plus news, and your voicemails!

Episode 360 - No Scope ft. Larry Bleidner

Larry Bleidner returns to the show, completing the full cycle. Beginning this week we go back to talking about forklifts, Paraguayan Wrestling, and rooting for Trump. You don't remember what was said 7 years ago, we're just going to start recycling the same tired material and raking in the patreon dollars.

We're revisiting...

Throw Pillows, Birthday Weeks, 12-Story Falls, Commie Lovers, Mid-Life Crises
Incompetent Druggists
Inconsiderate Gym Goers

They say Fear is the mind killer, but it's not. Stress is the mind killer, it's literally killing all of us constantly, yet we do nothing to adequately control it. In fact sometimes stress causes a reaction that only induces more stress. That's why I am declaring War on stress, anyone who is still stressed by the end of this episode, will be summarily executed.

It's not enough these days to medicate every condition under the sun into submission, no these days we need to finely combine so many assembled chemicals to be right on the edge of poisoning ourselves or curing an affliction. Enter the pharmacists, and assistants, you'd think they'd follow one of the rules of acquisition about returning customers, but no they're totally okay with you OD'ing, just as long as they get that smoke break.

Courtesy basically doesn't exist anymore. No where is that more evident these days than the gym. Dudes with 3 sets of free weights, texting on their phones. Girls camping on the leg lift machine, texting on their phone. People of both genders standing where you're trying to walk, TEXTING ON THEIR PHONE. Put the phone down and lift.

All of that plus a revisit of episode 1, news of how much the government hates you, and your voicemails.

Episode 359 - Endless Frustration

Chaco and Tab embarked on a thrilling adventure through the dense jungle, navigating treacherous terrain and avoiding deadly traps set by ancient civilizations. As they ventured deeper into the unknown, they stumbled upon a hidden temple, where they uncovered ancient artifacts and mysterious scrolls that held the secrets of the long-lost city. With their curiosity piqued, Chaco and Tab pressed on, determined to unravel the mysteries of the forgotten metropolis, specifically...

Lore Breaking
Artificial Intelligence as a Service

Lore breaking can be a problem because it disrupts the narrative, causing confusion and frustration among fans who are familiar with the original story. It can also damage the trust between creators and audiences, leading to a loss of interest and engagement with future content. Furthermore, lore breaking can compromise the integrity of storytelling by prioritizing shock value over coherence and consistency. Additionally, it can lead to fan entitlement, where fans feel they have a right to dictate what happens in the story. Overall, lore breaking can have negative consequences for the story's overall impact and the audience's enjoyment.

AI as a Service (AIaaS) is a problem because it allows companies to outsource their AI development to third-party providers, potentially compromising data security and control. It also raises concerns about bias and transparency in AI decision-making, as the underlying algorithms and data may not be transparent or accountable. Furthermore, AIaaS can lead to a lack of customization and flexibility, as users are limited to the pre-existing solutions offered by the provider. Additionally, AIaaS can create a dependence on a single provider, making it difficult for companies to switch or innovate independently. Overall, AIaaS can hinder innovation and limit the potential benefits of AI adoption.

All of that plus they also discuss their personal favorite sci-fi movies featuring AI, with Chaco revealing a surprising fondness for the 1984 film "The Terminator".

Episode 358 - Homos Naked

El Chaco is on the show this time, and WE'VE BROKEN THE CURSE! Talking about...

An Ill Fit

Society reveres doctors, probably too much. We constantly lionize them all for the acts of just a few. For every person that has a good doctor experience there are 10 who spent years going to doctors to never be properly diagnosed. When they do diagnose you I can guarantee the solution is going to be some expensive prescription medication, and not diet and exercise. To hell with doctors.

Stability is not something that I have had a ton of in my life. As of this writing I have now lived in the same home for just over 2 years. Which is the longest I've lived in any home in my adult life. I think the longest I lived in any home was 6 years, maybe 7? It is crazy how often my mom moved us.

All of that plus a new news segment, catching up with Chaco, and once again, WE BROKE THE CURSE!

Episode 357 - Hammer Bros

Chaco makes a cameo to start us off, but then it is Buck and Tab off to the races talking about...

AI Alarmists
Eschewing Practices & Standards

Every new piece of technology is supposedly the end of the world. Some of the predictions are correct others are way off base. The latest boogey man is AI, is it coming to take your jerb? I sure hope so. How else are we going to get rid of all this extra welfare money?

Sometimes we need to innovate to keep growing, that's a great example of why AI will always fail. Other times we need to go back to basics and just do what works. Two guys talking about work problems and reading some weekly news. When you never do the basics, you have no jumping off point to try something new, especially when you fall consistently on your face.

All of that plus suicidal robots, suicidal boomers, and a gamer beef blown out of proportion.

Episode 356 - Nine Days in Tulsa

Tab is riding solo in this one, catching up on the happenings of life, talking about...

The Death of a Mentor
Sh!tty Brothers

Finding someone who helped mold you as a person is something only the very lucky get. To have someone choose to be a part of making you a whole person is a gift. Losing that person in your life is truly devastating.

Call it Toxic Masculinity, outdated thinking, or old fashioned values, but family is supposed to look out for one another, and a brother should look after his sisters. That's your purpose at least until you have children of your own. I'm so sick of weak men that won't do the right thing, and it starts right there at home.

All of that plus the saga of going to Tulsa, Penis Cancer, and your voicemails!

Episode 355 - Feels Good Man

Welcome back again HWIDGites. El Chaco and Tab are back once again to nitpick life's greatest distractions. Can these men beat the curse? Listen and find out as the rail against;

Serving Sizes

Sometimes short term gains net in long term major problems. Our lives have become so addicted to convenience and pleasure, many find it impossible to deal with life's most minor annoyances. The more we as a society continue feeding our pleasure centers with the least work possible, the softer and softer men we're going to create. The true irony is that by not doing those things, holding out a little longer, you can gain even greater appreciation for life and its rewards.

The other thing our society is completely built upon, is lies. Everything is constantly lying to you. Great taste and low calories! No it tastes like sucrose infested ass. Companies make these giant dispensers for products, and half of it is pure waste just to get you to buy again sooner. The worst part is, it totally works because half the population is functionally disabled mentally.

All of that plus a backlog of voicemails, news of the week, and MORE EPISODES!

Episode 354 - Get Off My Land

We're making up for last weeks lost power, Chaco is awaiting the arrival of his beloved mother and squeezing in a couple don't gets. Chatting about

- Squatter's Rights
- Fat Fat Fatties

In a just and loving world if you owned a property you could live there, if you didn't own a property you can't live there without some sort of agreement with the owner. However in the topsy turvy clown world somehow people showing up and making a pile of filth some how have more legal rights than the actual owner trying to take possession on of a property. In our quest to be compassionate the soulless among us have corrupted that goodwill into a method of breaking the system and shafting the rest of us with the bill. Were this a proper society you'd legally be able to bulldoze your own property with them inside, unfortunately we can't yet do that.

And speaking of 2 ton earth movers, why is it socially acceptable to weigh as much as a baby elephant or more? Unless you're closing in on 7ft tall there's just no reason to have that much weight. Put the fork down! Our society has poisoned us on convenience and false flavor. It's far too easy to reward oneself with a treat over and over again than it is to suffer briefly for a long term gain. Children are being fattened up on school lunches, which should truly be a crime, all the while being told it's not their fault it's genetics. Yeah Jenn ate six donuts on the way to work this morning, and then had a cup of cream and sugar with a splash of coffee. Stop eating fatso!

All of that plus the true price of a cup of Japanese Coffee, the brewing war in El Chaco-stan, and how many shots is too many?