Episode 161 - You Won't Believe What Happens Next!


- People That Think Everything is for Them
- Blaming the Fans
- Clickbait
- Participation Awards

Sometimes you see a news story, or a facebook post, and you think, "Who could be so stupid as to need this." The answer is not you, yet for some reason there is a whole subspecies of humans that are compelled to report to the world, that they already know that thing. I imagine that these folks have a life so devoid of meaning they require validation for knowing trivial facts on the internet.

When a project goes wrong everyone wants to point the finger and deflect the blame for the failure onto someone else. That used to mean people who worked on failed projects may not work again. Today that problem is solved, by blaming the fans. Yes the people who had no input at any phase of the project, other than being a consumer, are somehow responsible for things being total pieces of crap. So remember, if you don't like this issue, it's probably your fault.

"Policeman catches a group of teenagers playing basket ball, and what happens next will shock you." "Old man says all he wants for christmas is this!" "Save money and build wealth with this one neat trick!" The answers to all of these headlines is something completely mundane like, plays basketball with the kids, a doggie door for his dog, and already be rich. Yet people are tricked every day into clicking through to the "Top Ten HWIDG moments, #3 will blow your mind." Congrats you've made the internet a worse place.

Hey you did a great job, you showed up and accomplished nothing! Here's a trophy for being on the team. It's smaller than the one for most home runs, or most outs, but you deserve it because you came on in. These token awards for mediocrity that the kid knows means nothing, yet all those Karens out there will lose their damn mind if her kid doesn't get one, are frying our brains. Hey you did it, you picked up your report card, welcome to the Copy Machine's Honor Roll.

All that and more on this Festivus Episode! Be sure to check out the DISCORD! Support the show on PATREON and NEW PROJECT 2, or by BUYING A SHIRT.