Bonus Episode 31 - Finish Him!
/Available now for all $5 Patrons!
Welcome back HWIDG Patrons to this month's bonus episode. We just finished seeing John Wick 3 and it's great. After we finish adoring all things Keanu Reeves we're discussing these great pleasures.
Going Cold Turkey
Working with Your Hands
Mortal Kombat
Heads Up Displays
Being a quitter, some folks need to ween themselves off an addiction but not you. No you're going COLD TURKEY. That's right you're dropping it like it's 2013 and JJ Abrams just got announced as the new director of Star Wars, no questions asked.
In this world of computers, robots, and same day online shipping it's nice to change gears now and again and make something yourself. Not to brag, but I took a piece of scrap wood and a crude drawing and made a planter. I'm a shit carpenter, but man does it feel good to do something for yourself.
A franchise that has for better or worse changed the face of gaming time and again. Mortal Kombat, you know the song. Mortal Kombat is one of the single most enduring franchises to still be playable today, and the best part is you can still go back and play those old versions and it still feels satisfying to banish Shao Khan to the shadow realm, or phantom zone, or whatever the fuck it is. Look all I know about Mortal Kombat is that I am bad at it, and the bridge level with the pungee pit.
You know what would make this episode better? A heads up display showing exactly how many seconds you had left to listen. Perhaps directions to where you are headed. What about a reading of the promo code mentioned in this show with a countdown for how long you have left to use it? YouDon’tGetAPromoCodeIt’sTooLate and it's 22 days, get on it.
Plus some John Wick 3 talk and Ronnie suffers a fatality. Thanks for supporting the show this month, and go get those shirts!
Don't forget to vote for Next Month's Movie Commentary