Minisode 17 - The Phantom Zone
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After thanos snapped, the world hasn't been the same, but we have a plan to make a counter Infinity Gauntlet we just need to get these last four stones.
- Scheduled Delivery
- Not Being Acknowledged
- Fast Seasons
- Non-Complainers
The Scheduled Delivery stone's power is annoying the customer by delaying gratification on a timed schedule instead of just getting the delivery over with. It's said no one has ever been able to get their hands on this stone, because on the day it arrives, they inevitably get hit by a bus.
Next we have the Not Being Acknowledged stone, this one will get rid of Thanos by denying his existence in a world of apathy. There is only one way to get this stone, you have to get into a furniture store without being hitup by a salesman for the whole day. Then and only then can you enter the phantom realm and claim this stone's powers.
The third stone is easy to find, Fast Seasons can be found on any and all streaming services, you simply have to binge watch 45 seasons of Netflix Original material that has come out in the last 3 days. Didn't HWIDG just get started on Netflix, how are they already on season 18?
The final stone on your journey the Non-Complainer stone can only be reached by embarassing your girlfriend at dinner and sending her back for being undercooked. Sure your relationship is now over, but you finally have everything you need to conquer Thanos.
All that plus Endgame spoilers in this month's Minisode!