Tab and Tim Watch - Die Hard: With a Vengeance

TATW Die Hard 3.png

Available now for all $10 Patrons!
And on New Project 2 for all $10 Supporters!

7 years ago John McClane threw a man off a building and never thought of it again, someone thought about it though and his name, was Simon Gruber. Now Gruber is back and he's out for revenge against his brother's killer, and a billion dollar payday care of the Federal Reserve. McClane's only hope is a racist electrician HeyZeus Carver, will the two of them put aside their racial differences and stop this madman, or will Simon get away? Only one way to find out in this month's movie commentary.

Simon Says grab you beretta and some Popcorn because it's time to Die Hard.

Plus don't forget to vote in Round One of December's Battle Royale! 

Tab and Tim Watch - Halloween III: Season of the Witch

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

Hey Mega Producers you voted and we listened and watched, this movie! So grab your stark gray suit, mirrored sun glasses, and HWIDG token and gather round the TV for a special advertisement at the end of the commentary that totally won't turn your face into snakes and bugs.

Warning: Halloween 3 Commentary should not be consumed by those with brittle bone disease, or any hot 17 year olds into middle aged alcoholic doctors.

Tab and Tim Watch - Highlander

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

In what is widely regarded as the Greatest Movie of All Time. Connor MacCleod plays Russel Nash, a bookish antique dealer with a heart of gold, and a neck as brittle as a toothpick. Watch as he slays his foes and absorbs their power in The Gathering a contest of immortals in 1985 New York City. With music by Queen, and appearances from some people that were also in Star Wars, grab your Katana because There Can Be Only One - HIGHLANDER!

We Left the Mics On - Serenity

Available now for all $2 Patrons!

Here it is the movie no one was looking forward to. Serenity, not that one a different one. One man's 3rd year film school story finally comes to life in 2019's Serenity. Join Matthew Mcaoun- how ever the fuck his last name is spelled, a down on his luck fisherman trying to catch Justice, a big fuckin Tuna. His fortunes change suddenly when his ex-wife, Selina Kyle, comes to his small island and asks him to kill her husband, the man she left him for. Will Matt kill her husband, will he bang Superman's mom, will the guy from Guardians of the Galaxy speak in an accent you can understand, and is the creepy guy with the glasses from the future? Find out when you watch Serenity.

Tab and Tim Watch - Kung Fu Hustle

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

Welcome back HWIDGets to this month's looney toons movie commentary. Join Tab and Tim as they sit down to watch the most Mr. Miyagi movie to ever wax on or wax off. In a world without phones, or people who speak English, only two things prevent total anarchy. Ax wielding gangsters, and flip flop wielding old ladies. So sit down, relax, and join us for a bit of light reading, Kung Fu style!

Tab and Tim Watch - Ghost in the Shell

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

It's July and that means one thing. Loving America, and yet you weebs decided we would be better served watching a robot lady fight some anime people. I know less than nothing about this franchise other than everyone was super pissed off that Scarlet Johansen a WHITE woman who puts asses in seats and is part of the biggest movie franchise on the planet was cast to play an ASIAN character. HOW DARE THOSE HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS TRY AND MAKE MONEY. Now if you'll excuse me, I am going to go see Hamilton where they recast all the white founding fathers with Puerto Ricans.

Join us in watching the 2017 Ghost in the Shell and just hoping beyond hope that the flimsy plastic uniform she wears will go invisible improperly and show us some boobs. While we watch Ghost in the Shell.

Tab and Tim Watch - The Matrix

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

It's June and finally I had some time to open my computer again to edit this commentary. This month Tim and I sit down to watch a movie that shaped the 2000s like no other movie could. The Matrix. We talk about the sequels and the effects and how we got into our leather fetishes. Who didn't get to dress up as Neo for Halloween? Do you remember the Rad packaging for the original DVD? Why do the lights come on halfway through? Find out when you strap on your PVC bodysuit and watch The Matrix with us!

Don't Forget to Submit your Movies for July 1st, and let me know what film series you'd be interested in hearing my thoughts on. Thanks for supporting the show!

Tab and Tim Watch - John Wick

John Wick.png

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

John is a man of focus, commitment, sheer will... something you know very little about. I once saw him kill three men in a bar... with a pencil, with a fucking pencil.

And this, is one of the greatest movies ever made. Join Tab, Tim, and Todd in his first time watching this movie in a cinematic experience to rival no other. Witness Todd ask questions about the movie 4 seconds before they happen. Listen to Tab's 4K cross bearing because he isn't sitting in the right spot. Try to guess when Tim starts to fall asleep. Keep your dogs close, and your machine guns closer it's time for John Wick.

We Left the Mics On - The My Little Pony Movie


Available now for all $2 Patrons!

Sometimes your mouth writes checks that you ass has to cash and this is one of them. Due to a brief twitter feud I Tab Birt lost a bet online and as such had to subject my friend Tim the Handle Breaker to watching this movie with me. With the agreement that we release it to our feeds so here it is. Watch along with us, or don't it's a really bad movie. Just hit play on the movie and our track at the same time.

Tab and Tim Watch: Breakdown

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Available for all $10 Patrons!

Welcome patrons to this month's movie commentary, it's a shorty this month. 2018's Joe Goodall directed Breakdown. Join a desperate couple tricked into kidnapping a poor girl and forced to be shot like a comedy in places that don't require a permit to film. Will they do the right thing and go to the police, or will it end on the worst twist in film history? Watch to find out!

Don't forget to submit your movie for April! 

Tab & Tim Watch - Starship Troopers

Star Ship Troopers.png

Available now for all $10 HWIDG Patrons!

It's that time of year again, Valentine's Day, and what better way to say I love you than to take you sweetheart home, put on Starship Troopers and show her the perils of Facism in Spaaaaace!

This month our second commentary asks, "Do you want to live forever?" We definitely do, but only if Tim is allowed to take a nap in the middle of every film, and I can not run out of something to drink halfway through recording.

So it's time to do your part, get your pocket nuke, and get to the drop ship for Starship Troopers!

Don't forget to submit your movie for March!

Tab and Tim Watch - Escape from New York

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

Inmate: HWIDG2-1a

Crime: Supporting a wrong think podcast

Sentence: Life without the possibility of parole in New York.

New York, New York is it everything they say? And no place that I'd rather be. Except during the distant future year of 1997 when things went way fuckin south for a bit. Join Tab and Tim as they sit down to power through another Carpenter/Russel team up. Does escape from LA measure up? Is Mr. Miyagi in this film? Can you tell the moment that Tim falls asleep? Find out when you Escape from New York.

Sorry for the late commentary this month. We'll be making it up to you with a second commentary coming soon for Starship Troopers. Submit now for March! 

Tab and Tim Watch - Big Trouble in Little China

Big Trouble.png

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

Welcome friends to the first Movie Commentary of January. This month we're sitting down to watch Kurt Russel in Big Trouble in Little China. Join us as we find out will Kim Catrall blink out her green contact lenses? How many gross comparisons can we make about the aged Lo Pan? Is Mr. Miyagi in this film or is it all in Tab's imagination?

Thanks you once again for supporting HWIDG you make the show possible with your generous support.

Most of all don't forget to go submit your pick for next month's movie commentary! 

Tab and Tim Watch #12 - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Roger Rabbit Thumb

Available now for all $10 Patrons!

Listen here, punk. My partner was the nice one. You know what that makes me? The bad cop. WHO DID IT?! HUH?! You don’t know, eh? Now why would that be? Would it be because you DIDN’T LISTEN TO THE COMMENTARY LIKE YOU SAID YOU DID?! Ahhh. The truth finally comes loose. You didn’t listen to the commentary like you said you did. Stop crying’ kid. You’re no to use to us anymore, get on out of here. See Frank, told you I’d bust him open. Kid didn’t know nothin’ anyways. Damn. We gotta figure this out.

Who fell asleep during this month’s movie commentary?  Find out, as we watch Who Framed Roger Rabbit? As always, we thank all you MEGA Producers for supporting the podcast. We say we love all our Patrons equally, but we love you all just a little bit more. Don’t forget to submit a movie for next month’s commentary, or we’ll drop you into a vat of the dip!

Tab and Tim Watch #10 - The Thing (Feat. Todd Seidel)

The Thing Commentary

Available now to all $10 Patrons

FINALLY! It’s that time of year again folks! Toss that beach chair and suntan lotion into a dumpster and set it on fire, because not only is it time for Halloween, it’s probably also a Thing monster! That’s right, this month we’re watching The Thing! Get your bourbon, your parkas, your roller skates, and your teeth fillings ready, because someone is secretly a hideous practical effect monster and the only way they can die is a flamethrower to the face.

And if that doesn’t sound exciting enough for you, stick around till the end to find out who calls who the n-word literally dozens of times! Hint: it’s not Kurt Russell to Keith David. Don’t forget to submit your suggestions for next month’s movie, keeping in mind we’ll be recording it just before Halloween day, so remember to keep it spooky!  

Tab and Tim Watch #9 - Hot Fuzz


Available now to all $10 Patrons

Oi mate, welcome to dis monf’s movie commentry. It’s ‘ot Fuzz, wanker. We get all British, ‘ead down to the pub, and ‘ave a pint or two. One of ‘ates it like it’s marmite or somefink. The other likes it enough, like bangers and mash. Find out who it is when ye sit down wit some fish n chips, or maybe a a kebab, and watch the movie wit us. Don’t forget to vote for nex monf’s bloody movie too!

Tab and Tim Watch #8 Demolition Man


Available now for all $10 Patrons

It’s movie time! Join us as we look to the not-so-distant future for a glimpse of society as it is destined to be! The Taco Bell Megacorp runs rampant, people are publicly shamed and punished for harsh words, cars can self-navigate, the government continually outlaws tasty foods, VR sex is the new norm, and worst of all, the entertainment and culture of Japan has infiltrated and consumed the lives of those too weak-hearted to resist it. This movie has it all! Watch as we witness the battles of Spartan vs. Phoenix, Bullock vs. Schneider, and Snipes vs. the IRS! So grab a bowl of pop-pop, a jug of fizz-juice, and get your three seashells ready for one hell of a movie! USER HAS BEEN FINED ONE CREDIT FOR VIOLATION OF THE VERBAL MORALITY STATUTE.   

Don’t forget to vote for next month’s movie! See you then!