Episode 302 - Middling Overdrive
/Disclaimer: There was an error with one of the sound devices going into Stream Yard this week and my track is way over driven compared to Buck. It's rough but listenable.
Welcome back to the Band Uncle Buck for this 302nd edition of HWIDG. It's great to have the founders back on board. And this week we're talking about...
Mic Bleed
Uppity Sound Guys
Often times when you jam too many mics into a small space you end up getting the sound one mic is specified for into another mic that's not specified. It's not an issue in live music, but when you go listen to the recordings, boy does it wipe out the clarity compared to an ISO Track. Buck unfortunately learned this the hardway, but fortunately he wasn't dealing with an...
Uppity Sound Guy. In general sound guys are all assholes. They all think they know more than everyone around them because frequently nobody around them wants to do their job. So they make snide remarks about other sound guys gear, when it isn't the label on your road case, it's how good you are a mixing that matters.
All that plus we discuss how to properly respond to a pump and dump scheme, The logistics of taking down a mig with a shotgun, some spicy voicemails, and catching up with Buck. Tune in next week to find out who our new co-host will be.