Episode 327 - Quid Pro Quo
/El Chaco is calling in once again, and it's time to discuss the ongoing war! That's right the War between original Mountain Dew and Mountain Dew Code Red. So pick your colors and get ready to join the frontlines of
Cultural Vandalism
Mandatory Workplace Harassment Training
We've seen now year after year the slow destruction of our culture. From the homogenization of design, the erasure of certain hair colors in media, and the constant need for reboots and remakes that fly in the face of the original. To the before times, of revisionist architecture and history, manipulated narratives about certain political parties just deciding to be the other party. Our culture has become so embattled that you dare not have your favorite property adapted into a new medium because what comes out the other side is going to closer resemble Seth Brundle before Geena Davis ends his misery.
Workplaces are supposed to be a place of, you guessed it, work. Long ago it was a semi social place, where perhaps you went out for dinner or drinks after work. Maybe you met a person you wanted to get to know better. However in the current state of the world of teaching certain groups they should literally have it all, while other groups need to be supportive, but not too supportive, but also don't retreat because all of those things are bad. Enter HR a bastion of derailing productive people since the first group of worthless individuals got together and said, what if we just made a department for workplace gossip. So here we are sitting in hours long trainings where you learn nothing, but at least they get to deflect any liability when you get reported for complimenting the pretty girl in the next cubicle for literally ANYTHING! (Also not complimenting her.)
All that plus a steal of a deal on prostitutes, fish news, and Andy reads an announcement from yesteryear.