Episode 360 - No Scope ft. Larry Bleidner

Larry Bleidner returns to the show, completing the full cycle. Beginning this week we go back to talking about forklifts, Paraguayan Wrestling, and rooting for Trump. You don't remember what was said 7 years ago, we're just going to start recycling the same tired material and raking in the patreon dollars.

We're revisiting...

Throw Pillows, Birthday Weeks, 12-Story Falls, Commie Lovers, Mid-Life Crises
Incompetent Druggists
Inconsiderate Gym Goers

They say Fear is the mind killer, but it's not. Stress is the mind killer, it's literally killing all of us constantly, yet we do nothing to adequately control it. In fact sometimes stress causes a reaction that only induces more stress. That's why I am declaring War on stress, anyone who is still stressed by the end of this episode, will be summarily executed.

It's not enough these days to medicate every condition under the sun into submission, no these days we need to finely combine so many assembled chemicals to be right on the edge of poisoning ourselves or curing an affliction. Enter the pharmacists, and assistants, you'd think they'd follow one of the rules of acquisition about returning customers, but no they're totally okay with you OD'ing, just as long as they get that smoke break.

Courtesy basically doesn't exist anymore. No where is that more evident these days than the gym. Dudes with 3 sets of free weights, texting on their phones. Girls camping on the leg lift machine, texting on their phone. People of both genders standing where you're trying to walk, TEXTING ON THEIR PHONE. Put the phone down and lift.

All of that plus a revisit of episode 1, news of how much the government hates you, and your voicemails.